running in your bike?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2007
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i know theres been a few differnt threads about this topic but in them theres heaps of differnt answers
so i was wondering whats the best way to run your engine in?
some say thrash it and others say take it easy? lol?
your going to get it again, some will say thrash it for abit and some will say dont, doesnt mean coz YOU made another thread that people are going to see eye to eye.
and aslo do i leave the oil it came with
in there or replace it with the motoul 1000 minerall oil'
everyone will say different things, but personaly i dont thrash it but dont babie it ether, try and keep it under 3/4 revs and dont accelerate to fast.

and as for the oil i would change it, but not necicarily to motul 1000 beceuse its heaps expencive. just ask your local motorbike shop, theyl point ya in the right derection!

but as i said there will probly be people who say thats completly wrong, do this, do that and at the end of the day u just pic a method!
Just make it pull hard, dont stay in one gear for too long and let it do a fair bit of engine braking, dont give it too much gas though.
I no mechanic but I am a rider of many years. I thrash my chinga bikes straight out of the box. I have 1 Lifan 124cc that I left the chinga oil in for over 6 weeks before changing to cheap 20/50 motor oil, 6 months later its still running like new! Ive been told when running in never keep a constant speed and get the engine working hard, such as hill climbs ect...
being a mechenic myself and the son of a motorcycle mechenic i would say just put a light load on the engine, dont hold revs, dont stress the engine accelerating or decelerating and make sure you warm it up. Changing the oil should be done after the first couple of hours but the oil it comes with should be fine for running in
Make sure the revs vary, don't over rev, but don't baby it. Make the engine work on load a little, like sligh hill climbs etc. Make sure it's warm
warm it up rev it let it cool and doit again at 25 2 1 two stroke mix when riding dont thrash it the more you can heat cycle the engine the better and change the transport oil or it will seaze
warm it up rev it let it cool and doit again at 25 2 1 two stroke mix when riding dont thrash it the more you can heat cycle the engine the better and change the transport oil or it will seaze

HUH, whats with the 2 stroke stuff:confused:

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