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  1. topguntravis

    This Weekend 17/18th July

    I've heard of Laverton MX track but not of anyone here riding there. I'm also interested. I'll be riding the Sunday provided the weather holds off. Stupid TAFE ruin my saturday :|
  2. topguntravis

    This Weekend 17/18th July

    No tard tyres for me.
  3. topguntravis

    congrats on the 15000

    Don't forget lil old me ;)
  4. topguntravis

    This Weekend 17/18th July

    Once again I'm sussing where people are planning to ride this weekend. I'm tempted for Franga but Ride Day is at Franga the week after... Post away riders
  5. topguntravis

    Melb. Miniriders dinner/drinks. 18+ sorry

    Very unlikely I can make the 27th. But Don't let me stop yas if it works for everyone
  6. topguntravis

    Alf Stewart goes nuts

    I LOVE these. The Logies one-pissa: YouTube - Alf Stewart at the logies (Doodleburger original) another: YouTube - Alf Stewart Rape Dungeon (Doodleburger original) This one is a pissa too: YouTube - Alf Stewart hates gay people [original]
  7. topguntravis

    Worth installing a cdi unit?

    Yeh that's what I was thinking it did along those lines
  8. topguntravis

    Free Rider 2

    true. It's so addictive
  9. topguntravis

    Worth installing a cdi unit?

    Is a CDI basically like a performance chip like you can put in cars?
  10. topguntravis

    Free Rider 2

    Anyone played this before. Some people have way too much time on their hands to make some of these tracks but it's fun to play em. FR2DB.FR | The Free Rider 2 Tracks Database
  11. topguntravis

    Do any of you play this game? :D

    i had it on psp. check out PSPISO - Play Station Portable Games if you have a psp and if you haven't really updated your psp you might be able to get custom firmware so you can download all the games :P
  12. topguntravis

    metric feeler gauges

    I'd check em when ya drop your oil since you'll lose a bit of oil when you check them, bit cleaner :p However I change oil about every 3 rides. Also make sure you check them properly. Main thing to be careful of is that the flywheel is at the correct Top Dead Centre (there are 2 - you wanna...
  13. topguntravis

    metric feeler gauges

    Mine don't have .003 or .004 Mine are pretty much whole numbers in thou. So i use the 3 and 4 thou gauges. Best to get an expert to confirm. You could also do a conversion.
  14. topguntravis

    Has anyone on here had food poisoning?

    WTF? too tight? what did he say your valves should be at then?
  15. topguntravis

    Photos for James DvDRip Scott

    I can get ya the footage of the day we rode at Frankston and I have a few still photos I think which I used at the start of the video. Let me know what ya want. Here's the video YouTube - Frankston MX - 6th March 2010
  16. topguntravis


    that's a great idea! wish i still had my slider. i sold it for like double what I payed though :p
  17. topguntravis

    R.I.P. James "DvDRip" Scott

    omg far out :( R.I.P mate, great guy and was such a valued Minirider! We won't forget you mate and your spanner spinning knowledge will be greatly missed as will your riding company.
  18. topguntravis

    My lxr

    That's some good porn! Could probably of just put the pics up in the "Post pics of your bike" thread, but meh, I would make a thread if my bike looked like that :P
  19. topguntravis

    This Weekend 3/4 July.

    Just got back from Broady. If Broady was slippery and had puddles and plenty of mud then I reckon I would have drowned if I went to Franga. The weight of the mud snapped off my front guard! Spoke to some guys from Buzz Bikes, they had their IndoorXtreme hummer. Expect IndoorXtreme to be up n...
  20. topguntravis

    This Weekend 3/4 July.

    hmmm all the tracks are VERY very muddy and wet at Franga they say. I might suss out Broady instead due to the rain conditions, there should be better. So i'm off to Broady