Do any of you play this game? :D

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2010
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MTX Mototrax ( PC edition )

you can race online with up to 8 buddies at one time,
sick tricks.... massive air... tough rythem sections..



very fun game.... ive recently beaten it and have nothing left i can do except find trick spots and race single races.... or i could race the 125/250 series again for sponsors and gear too but was curious if anyone on here plays the game and if anyone would want to maybe throw down on some MTX action sometime ? :D

game can be found in torrents easily aswell... as thats how i found mine since its no longer in stores around here....
I have it on psp
just got one mx series left but my psp is not working very well
Fun game

There's an even better mx game called mx simluator I'm playing that at the moment
nah man never played it looks fun tho i like racing games on ps3 but i think first person shooters like cod (call of duty) modern warfare 2 is the best for online on pc

have you played that?
hellz yes, love the Entire Battlefield series, own every game of that, the Desert Combat .07 mod for 1942 is fun as.... COD: MW and MW2 are fun but recently got into this racing dirt bikes thing... and well im sooooo good in the game and soooo horrible in real life LOL not waht i expected.... i actually flew R/C planes for a long time on the PC as well with RealFlight G4 and used a PS2 controller for the sticks.... i was damn good then bought a real R/C plane and well.... that simulator was like magic i was taking off and landing PERFECT LOL my buddies where like WTF WTF LOL simulator time paid off with that..... over 40 hours sim before a real flight....

well i played MTX like mad tooo.... didnt help when i got to the track hahaha
I'm into ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead PC atm its a military sim, Also play Battlefield Bad Company on PC, Also the BF2, BF2142, 1942, BFV, and all the expansions, could say I like shooting people with various vehicles and weapons.

Used to play MX unleashead on the old PS2 back in the day.
the first mx unleashed was pro on ps2 and it just got worse as new ones came out
any one still play unleashd on pc ? i do , should have a miniriders race online lol

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