Melb. Miniriders dinner/drinks. 18+ sorry

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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just thinking aloud, but if your a Melbourne Mini-Rider.. would you be keen on a night on the town, paint balling, drinks, dinner etc, kinda a big social get together without the bikes..

would like to keep it 18+ just for ease of organization at this stage but if successful would organize another for those unable to attend.

Just after a rough idea if it would be of interest. feel free to give some ideas and input.
Was thinking about this a while ago.

I reckon we could organise something for sure.

Count me in.
id be down so ya can meet the cranky mofo behind the name and vica versa :p
paintball sounds like a plan and mass meal afterwards
Yeah sounds good, as long as there is rules that no ones allow to shoot me if we play paint ball. That **** hurts!
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ahhh.... I think the point is being missed.... the idea is a night out.. NOT riding.. its a SOCIAL event.. If ya wana catch up and ride.. jump in on one of the ride days :)

I was thinking more along the lines of Dinner in the city, maybe a pub or 2, then if people want, can either party on into the night/morning, or go home..

Over 18 only as im not going to be responsible for some drunken 16 year old as im sure none of you would be. (HUGE fines for UA intoxication)

If there is enough interest from younger members, I will organise a social event specifically for them, along the same lines, but obviously with limitations, over 18's would be welcome to attend this also.

Paintball is 18+ so that rules that option out for the younger crew, but laser tag, go karting etc is all good to go.
Numbers depending, transportation from a central point to the 'event' may be organised.
Under 18 will need permission from their guardian/s. contact details, address etc in case of an emergency and obviously the $ to cover your expenses.
still open for discussion.. lets hear some more ideas golf, (or real golf!?) when is going to suit people? what kinda of numbers etc.. End of August would be a likely guesstimate, gives us over 40 days to get it rollin and people can then pencil it in...

Aug 27th is a friday.. Any complaints!!?
still open for discussion.. lets hear some more ideas golf, (or real golf!?) when is going to suit people? what kinda of numbers etc.. End of August would be a likely guesstimate, gives us over 40 days to get it rollin and people can then pencil it in...

Aug 27th is a friday.. Any complaints!!?

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