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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. R


    This is my burn from 3 weeks ago. Its why i dont ride through the sandy woops towards the river @ pellies anymore.
  2. R

    has the mini bike world gone mad? what the heck is this bike?

    Why the heck does it have an expansion chamber?
  3. R


    Isnt it If the Gully is red take the dirt track instead?
  4. R

    SA 50's track petition

    Start a Adelaide Minibike Club, have some clubworking bee's, sort out indemnity forms, and insurance? Talk to track owners like Tbone to organise as dedicated minibike track because x number of members will come on a monthly/fortnightly basis and pay x amount of dollars to ride for a day. Set up...
  5. R

    riden at the local BMX track

    Guys dont try the yank skate park, there was some idiot there a few months back, cops where there by the time he got to the end of the track and they took his bike and said "See you in court".
  6. R

    SA Riding Spots

    Sounds like a pretty secluded track and if only few and far between know about it and mainly pit bike riders thats all good, the track will stay in better nic if its not getting thrashed out my big 250's etc. I might take blair up there in a few weekends time. So far i have raised $220 for my...
  7. R

    *Big bore Cylinder*

    Hey Driftoz, im going to Pelican point tomorrow with my mate who has a china, ive got a kawasaki, anyway im going to organise with blair that he comes down and hopefully u and marty can come too!
  8. R

    My bike back fires alot

    How is a picture of the bike going to solve a mechanical fault?
  9. R

    My bros pitpro is leaking fuel

    Its flowing out of the overflow, your float may be jamed or punctured and filled with fuel.
  10. R

    50 licence

    A 110cc off the net will not be road registable, china junk will not be allowed on the roads. You can buy road ready z50's.
  11. R

    Suicide Shifter!

    Doesnt seem very practical, but i applaud u for trying something different.
  12. R

    p(0)st p(1)cs here no chat

    3's do not = E's Stop talking like a ****** and some one might take u seriously.
  13. R

    how to dirft if u dont no

    Thats pretty much how i do it.
  14. R

    SA adelaide

    Sick! Pt Gawler Is Reopening Sick!
  15. R

    wat a thumpstar

    OMG thats a sick bike im going to buy it!!!!!111one JOKING!
  16. R

    TransWorld Master of Minis round 4

    It almost looks surreal, that gotta be the holygrail of fast50 tracks!
  17. R


    Ebay sellers will lie there ass off to sell there goods. Those are meer estimates provided by the chinese, the chinese make em as quick as they can, they dont ride them. If you tried to do any jumps on a pocket bike the frame would snap on the first bike hit.
  18. R

    ATV Mini Quads

    I hope all this helps.
  19. R

    ATV Mini Quads

    Good choice of quad, when the rider wants more power it is easily gained as there are alot of modifications available for these engines.