My bros pitpro is leaking fuel

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2007
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Yep, another problem but now with my bros. Well I couldn't get it started so I looked around at the engine to see if anything was wrong and I see fuel leaking out of the carby hose (circled).

I have a picture of where it was coming out of just in case you guys don't know what I mean.

It only comes out when the fuel switch is on though (circled).

Does anyone know how to fix it and is it an easy fix?

So what should I do? Does that mean I put too much fuel in it?
dozza there is a screw on the carby just above that hose tighten it up an it should stop
if it doesnt stop when the screw is defiantely tightened, then it means the float's needle valve isnt working right... maybe some crap from the fuel tank is stuck in it.

the fake carbon fibre stuff on the fuel tank loves to flake off and is great at blocking up the carby
The screw is already tightened up. How else can I try and fix it?
It's really easy, but after you fix it make sure you put on a fuel filter (cut hose from fuel tap to carby and use cable ties to reconnect the hoses connecting to the fuel filter) so it doesn't happen again. I already messaged 'online bikesnbits' telling them to put fuel filters on their bikes, they said they have told the manufacturer.

1) Disconnect the carby from the engine, it's only two screws, a hose and the lid where the throttle connects too, very easy.

2) Remove the float bowl from the bottom of the carby, it's 4 screws.

3) Inside here you will see the workings of the carburettor. Clean out all the black plastic shavings which came from the recently manufactured fuel tank. Use a sewing needle to clean the jets, this is where your main problem is however you should get rid of it all anyway.

4) Put it back together and it should be fine, I was quite impressed actually if you've tried to do this with a pocket-bike it takes much longer.

Then go for a ride!
Do you reckon even I could do it? This is my (well it's really my bros but we have the same ones anyway) first bike ever and I know nothing about them. Also where you said it's harder with pocket-bikes, does that mean it's going to be harder with a Pitpro too? And what and where are the jets?
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Mate it wont be too hard but you will need to concentrate. In everything mechanical it is always improtant to remember to put it all back in the correct order. Once you have removed the carby from the bike. Just take it to a table in a well lit area and follow the instructions above. Take your time and dont drop it and be very carefull not to break anything. These carbys are only worth about $30- so if you cant get it back togeter a new one will not be too painfull. HAve a go it will be fun.
Do you reckon even I could do it? This is my (well it's really my bros but we have the same ones anyway) first bike ever and I know nothing about them. Also where you said it's harder with pocket-bikes, does that mean it's going to be harder with a Pitpro too? And what and where are the jets?

Mate it's quite simple but as cass said remember how it went together, or if you have two pitpros and you can't remember just look at the other one.

The reason I said it's harder on a pocket bike is because you have to remove the engine from the bike.

Also, about the jets after you take it apart you will know exactly what you have to do because it's painfully obvious when you see a bunch of black gunk blocking the bronze tubes
Sorry if this is a stupid question lol but a Pitpro isn't a pocket bike is it? Aren't they the really small ones?
I said 'compared' to a pocket-bike the pitpro is really easy because you only have to undo two screws, the throttle & some hoses to detach the carby
Ah ok, got ya!

I might give it a go later.

Thanks guys.
i had this problem. it was the float. i left my bike to long with the tap turned off and the fuel from the carby must have evaporated or something cause the float was sitting right down. there is a little sort of plug thing connected to float so when the float goes down it also petrol to enter the bowl and mine was a stuck. undo the 4 screws make sure the float moves up and down properly and doesn't get stuck put it back together nad it will work.
the screw at the bottom of the carby drains the bowl from the top, but it will still leak out of there if the float isnt working.. when you get the carby apart it will make sense.

once you get the carby off and take the float bowl off everything is really obvious... unscrew all of the bronze parts (main jet, pilot jet, main jet holder) and clean them out really well... and take the float out to clean the valve...

one way to test if the float valve is working right (and yours isnt!) is with the carby apart, blow down the fuel line and push the float up and down, you shouldnt be able to blow through it with it closed.

dont stick ANYTHING down a jet or any of the bronze bits, especially not a sewing needle or anything steel. go to autobarn or supercheap or where ever and buy a can of carby cleaner (you can also use electrical contact cleaner if you have that). spray everything with that and then blow compressed air thru the jets and every single little tiny hole you can see in the carby.

its really not that hard to do, just make sure you put everything back together as it went in... theres a PDF on here somewhere with details on everything inside a mikuni carb
Cool thanks. Where could I get can of compressed air?
uhmmm.... an air compressor usually? :p lol

if you dont have one, just use a can of carby clean... the trick is to spray it over everything, even let the jets soak in the stuff for a while and then hold the jets right up against the nozzle on the can and spray it, it will clean anything out.

just make sure you close your eyes or turn your head or wear safety glasses doing that, its nasty **** to get in your eyes
Oh, I thought you could buy cans of compressed air.

Anyway, thanks.
You can get cans of compressed air, computer tecs use them all the time, so if you really want a can of it you could try a computer/eletronics supply store. I dont think you need one though, get your brother to pump a bicycle pump really fast while you hold the parts for a small job like this.
or just use your lips ;) no im not joking

but hey a can of carby cleaner comes with plenty of pressure in it

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