has the mini bike world gone mad? what the heck is this bike?

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just sent an inquirey myself to him..:
G'day mate, am interested in the bike you have for sale.. can you please supply me with a little bit more detail on the pictured item, sounds to good to be true!? also Id like to be able to view the bike before makeing a final commitment to purchase. Where can I come to view and possibly test ride? if it is possible and you have more id like to surprise my niece with a birthday present and would love to have one shipped down to melbourne. what would be the freight charges involved? Iv had a couple of smaller bikes in the past and really like the look of what you have on offer.. please if possible send me some pics and more detailed specs(frame details, numbers, etc.) look forward to doing buisness with you.
lets see what we recieve tomorrow..
Night boys!
ok these are the email and replys iv got from him!

hay man can u send a picture of the actual bike for sale? because oviously the bike shown in the add is claery a ktm sx125 250 2 stroke! and water cooled lifan 125 ay?? i would like more info on these

stupid ass:
the bike that is offered is the exact same as the 1 in the picture, it is a look alike ktm made by thumpstar. i dont know the full details as i only import them to sell.

lol yeah wateva man anyway its not the bike in the picture thats a real KTM 2 stroke they are nothing alike i now ur just tryen to make a quick buk but cmon man will u even send the buyer a bike? stop tryen to rip people off!

stupid ass:
The Bikes Are KTM Look Alikes, They Perform Beeter Than The KTM 125SX Yet Look Similiar In Appearance. These Are A Really Good Bike And 4 People Have Bought Them And Are aWAITING dELIVERY fOR tHEM oN fRIDAY.

lol you crack me up man! ok wateva u recon!

lol ok man prove it.....ur noy foolen any one with this one ay. i want to see proof that THUMPSTAR make this bike! im just playen with ya man i NO its NOT a replica KTM made by thumpstar,thats just stupid! the photo in the add is clearly a 2 stroke and does not have a water cooled lifan in it...and many other lies. i just think that its funny i mean you could of atleast of got a bike that is even a lil bit simular to the one ur describing in the add man! weak effort.....but im shure some poor lil kid will save up his pocket money for years to buy this so called "KTM replica lol its still funny" and will either recive a crappy pit bike or nothing at all. anyway NICE TRY but do ur reaserch befor u try and rip peeps of ok! good luck! ul need it!

lol i luv fuken around with dodgy ebayers can wait for his reply on my last email!
Maybe he's selling those 50cc ktm look alikes, theres a thread on them some where...
Hey guys, My old work sells them, They are the biggest peice of ****, The frame is 3 peices held together by bolts, The engine is a dodgy ass base line lifan NON any gear start thats water cooled with some dodgy ass radiator, When i assembled one half the bolts were missing and the wiring was done wrong, it has a 2 stroke exausght pipe ( LOL ) and went like a snail, the rear shock was basically plastic aswell.. And they were asking $2,000 for it Hahaha ! heres a picture try not to laugh..

That has gotta be one of shonkiest things ive ever seen... :eek:
what a dope head, cant believe what I just saw. Well everything got flip side, this is one thing good about ebay, free lessons guys:)
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still remember trying to start it.. wiring was all pinched and connected wrong, had to strip it and re wire it lmao.

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