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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. R

    ATV Mini Quads

    Hey pink i suggest you have a read of as the engine in these mini 2 stroke quads are the same as pocket bikes, make sure u run it in @ 25:1 with a good quality mineral oil, after around 1l litre change to 40:1 with some good quality full synthetic oil like motul...
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    helmet cam!!

    Looks like some one needs a haircut....
  3. R

    damage report.

    Top post, pictorial story 10/10! Bad luck, but atleast now u have a reason to get a IRK!
  4. R

    Power Mans' my 1971 Z50A K2 resto - Painted Frame

    That looks heaps good, congrats.
  5. R

    Shittt!! Tank!

    Lol, if u buy a tank the turrets have to be filled with cemet.
  6. R

    2 smokers ripping.

    Ive got a mate that races on a kx125 06 model and he is so fearless on that thing.
  7. R

    when some one sponcers the site?

    The sponsors pay to advertise in the forum. They would pay a monthly figure anywhere between $100 - $400. That would get them some spaces on teh site, like up the top of the page.
  8. R

    this is a must watch film

    WOAH! I looked away and everything was moving!
  9. R

    Pit bike track!

    Ill se how i go if i have enough time and dirt ill make some more jumps.
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    Pit bike track!

    Yeah we go both ways Better than doing something else gay for 6 months :P half the time ill be riding! 69th post
  11. R

    Pit bike track!

    For my personal project next year i am making a fast 50 track. I ride a kx60 and my mate who owns the land rides a agb29. I only weigh 50 kilos. I dont have alot of land or money. The track will not be huge, its not that small though. Here is a plan, i have already made half the table top...
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    the french crf 108

    Wow, looking good!
  13. R

    Looking for a rear shock!

    Hey guys im looking for a rearshock that is 325mm eye to eye. Give us a shout if you spot one!
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    ESD Advertising...

    ESD Cheap!?!?! More like steep! 90% sure these are the same shock:
  15. R

    Kx60 Rear Shock

    Which one?
  16. R

    Kx60 Rear Shock

    What shock you i buy to replace the in my kx60 [its abit soft]. Btw i cant afford a $300 shock.
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    It would break before you even hit the ramp!
  18. R

    Foxico 125cc Pit bike ?Any Good?

    No offence but that bike looks crap and wouldnt even survive a set of whoops.
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    KX60 or MSO X6R?

    Hey guys im @ school suppost to be doing english asiggment but im way ahead anyway i think i might get the kx60 as there are more kawa dealers around than pitbike dealers so it will be more easy to get parts when something goes wrong. I currently have $610 i recn my parents will chip in and i...
  20. R

    KX60 or MSO X6R?

    Can these things get bored out some more if im not satisfied with a 2 stroke powerband and the watercooled wheelies, lol.....