afternoon gents, well today i went for a ride. a 4 1/2 hour right to be exact and was having a blast, my old man has come down to Pelican Point to come pick me up and he said, nah go on, just go for one last quick ride, 10 mins or so, i will wait here for you! awww how generous of my old man to do that for me so off i went, rippin down the road and not a worry at all, everything is running a treat. i get to a little 20 foot tabletop and hit it a few times clearing it time and time again regardless of the huge head wind.
okay this is it, one more time then i will pack up and we will go home, so off i go, chrage into the berm, roost up all over the joint as i was going hard and am in 3rd half throttle (damn head wind) and gaining. i come to the upramp and *BANG* the back wheel locks, i slide up the ramp and lanuch with no back wheel a good 15 feet, the bike by this time has left me and is on its way -----> in that direction while im going <----- over this way. im just thinking aaahhhh **** my plastics, my beautiful plastics there going to be ruined. i land on my feet and run out of it cause im oohh so sporty but the bike thankfully lands in some nice turned up dirt from me rippin up. i rush over to inspect and to my surprise its all in perfect nick, not a single scratch at all, WONDERFUL. i get back on, kick her over and the first 2 times it didnt start, 3rd time i got her going. AWESOME, lets head back to my old man, i have left him waiting long enough, so off i go, hit the right hand berm and tear through it, poor dude on the other side freaked out cause i was hammerin and he must have thought i wasnt going to pull it in but i ripped her in hard and had my right handle just skimming the ground and swung her around while the other dude did a runna hahaha, poor fella. so im gassing it, hit third on the back wheel and get to the left hand berm, tap the back brake and swing her in hard and i hear a clunking noise and she died. from that point on it wouldnt start no matter what, FU*KIN HELL.. i screamed for a little while i can tell you cause i was 5kms away from my old man and it was mostly uphill.
after a disasterous 50 mins i got back to the van and we loaded up and i told old man of the dilema of which we were both baffeled. off home we go, was a good drive home and me and old man had a good conversation about plenty of stuff, cricket, footy, riding etc etc... and as my old man does, something about physics (he is a painter... makes alot of sence huh!)
so i get home and think to myself, i will have a bit of a look around, see what i cant find so first things first, get the toolbox, seat for the bike, petrol (just incase) etc etc... and of course a Crown Larger, aaaahhhhh loverly.
off with the flywheel cover and holy crist, this **** is a MESS. first image is the devistation done by the chain to the flywheel cover, as you can see its done quite a number on the poor fella, oohh well, this still doesnt tell me why it wont start, lets move on.
okay this is it, one more time then i will pack up and we will go home, so off i go, chrage into the berm, roost up all over the joint as i was going hard and am in 3rd half throttle (damn head wind) and gaining. i come to the upramp and *BANG* the back wheel locks, i slide up the ramp and lanuch with no back wheel a good 15 feet, the bike by this time has left me and is on its way -----> in that direction while im going <----- over this way. im just thinking aaahhhh **** my plastics, my beautiful plastics there going to be ruined. i land on my feet and run out of it cause im oohh so sporty but the bike thankfully lands in some nice turned up dirt from me rippin up. i rush over to inspect and to my surprise its all in perfect nick, not a single scratch at all, WONDERFUL. i get back on, kick her over and the first 2 times it didnt start, 3rd time i got her going. AWESOME, lets head back to my old man, i have left him waiting long enough, so off i go, hit the right hand berm and tear through it, poor dude on the other side freaked out cause i was hammerin and he must have thought i wasnt going to pull it in but i ripped her in hard and had my right handle just skimming the ground and swung her around while the other dude did a runna hahaha, poor fella. so im gassing it, hit third on the back wheel and get to the left hand berm, tap the back brake and swing her in hard and i hear a clunking noise and she died. from that point on it wouldnt start no matter what, FU*KIN HELL.. i screamed for a little while i can tell you cause i was 5kms away from my old man and it was mostly uphill.
after a disasterous 50 mins i got back to the van and we loaded up and i told old man of the dilema of which we were both baffeled. off home we go, was a good drive home and me and old man had a good conversation about plenty of stuff, cricket, footy, riding etc etc... and as my old man does, something about physics (he is a painter... makes alot of sence huh!)
so i get home and think to myself, i will have a bit of a look around, see what i cant find so first things first, get the toolbox, seat for the bike, petrol (just incase) etc etc... and of course a Crown Larger, aaaahhhhh loverly.
off with the flywheel cover and holy crist, this **** is a MESS. first image is the devistation done by the chain to the flywheel cover, as you can see its done quite a number on the poor fella, oohh well, this still doesnt tell me why it wont start, lets move on.