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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast
Hey Crew
What do you think of our new advertising on miniriders?
And make sure when you order anything from us to mention this website to make sure your getting the mates rates we do for forum members...
You can note it in the special instructions section of the order form...
Big Leigh
good to see the esd is here.
you guy's have all the parts need to make a bike chassis & good quality to!
i was going to buy a AGB-29, but i think i will get you guys to hook me up with a custom ESD stunter / Race bike! but it will take a while to pick which parts i want they have such a selection!
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Yeah thats what we're into full custom build jobs ready to charge...
My bike is just going through some more changes at the moment...
A new engine and stuff...
We're here to stay and hopefully that catalogue of top quality parts will only get better...
Big Leigh
maybe a little over priced but they seem like good quality and i guess thats what u gotta pay for good parts
maybe a little over priced but they seem like good quality and i guess thats what u gotta pay for good parts

overpriced? are you for real dude!!

Its cheap as stuff there man, and if you actually noticed, Leigh said if you mention the site you get some even better prices :)

Anyway.. remember Leigh, my order is coming shortly :D

**** bruz I reckon the prices are good you said you get what ya pay for and there is some state of the art **** in soon as I finnish some stuff I got on my plate they are making me a ROCKET.
maybe a little over priced but they seem like good quality and i guess thats what u gotta pay for good parts

ESD isn't ebay. Been told its a brillient service and a good place to buy.
Yeah that's EBAY mate ...WHATEVER you buy on there is cheap and more often than not **** . The aftersale service is non existent most of the time and ya never know what you got till it arrives....sure there are some deals on there but I think comparing an ebay dealer to the someone who is actually running a business pretty pointless ...I run one and believe me the overheads and costs are thousands of times more expensive than " nothing "
Besides that running down someone who is sponsoring the site you visit over a part you don't even want seems even more pointless...the guys are having a go, maybe you guys could give em one .JMO:cool:
no the rear supesion is tottally different!!!
cheap 1 has a 250 pound spring
dear one has a 1000pound spring

yeah there the same......Idiot
at least read things b4 commenting
you cant tell how many pound it is by looking at it
well I got to say ESD got most full load of parts arrangement I've ever seen before, but the price is just bit hard to lay my fingers on. A CNC kick start ask for 136 some and it is not even the lightening bolt shaped.
edzy dude not sure why r u so protective for ESD, like I said they are loaded with parts. But all we asking here is some reasonable prices, so what the 1000lb man. That's Fastace man old story, one of my mate can get 1200lb rear shock (the one exactly like the MotovertPro one) for only 150 bucks, and that's not only the spring but the whole package.
yeah no thats not wat i ment
i ment someone trying to compare prices on two shock saying there the same thing, one 150 extra
you would think trying to claim a statment like that you would have read the specs

esd do seem a bit $$$$$ but everything is cheaper on ebay!
I sure did read the spec and better yet if anyone here can tell me how to up load a pic, man all what I m about to say is be ready for some serious conviencing.
Also I m way over ebay man just so you know I m not on that Junky web side.
yeah ebay can be **** if you dont no who to buy off
i dont think you can upload a pic until a certain amount of post maybe 25 or somthing, but you can put a liknk in your post so go to or something and upload it there and then post a link
ya right dude, and I m most certainly not trying to pin down nobody's ads here, since I understand everyone needs couple of stacks dead president. But getting greedy just aint the right way to flash no smail on Benjamin. Here is my ride
judging by the spare frame in the background it looks like you run a shop yourself there mate ....if that was the case coming on and ragging on one of the sights sponsors would be a silly move .... funny thing is if you check the recent 50 bros mag for bushies test ride of this bike you will see I took the photos .

or did you buy a spare titanium frame ?

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