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  1. y0 ash-tray!

    Puppy's ears, tail cut off in cruel attack.

    that is horrible, suck a cute little dog as well kinda makes me feel sick like i did when i heard about that little boy who was taken from the shops and abused for hours by two not much older boys and then they left him on the train tracks pretty sure it was in the UK?? makes me feel...
  2. y0 ash-tray!

    Cleaning the PITTY.

    emulso, its some acid that the detailers at work use they water it down though i dont cleans pretty much everything except for alloy it stains it ________ Kid wellbutrin
  3. y0 ash-tray!

    Schweppes to distribute Monster in Australia

    ^^^^^ saw that today wasnt game enough to try so bought some red bull instead no sight of Monster in SA yet either guys ________ Free xxx vids
  4. y0 ash-tray!

    What caused my piston to seize up in my 125cc?

    ^^^^ yeah and him asking how to attach his new piston to the sawn of conrod hahaha so many reasons why it could happen, some previously mentioned are on the money i reckon... ________ TEEN YOUNGER
  5. y0 ash-tray!

    Whats the law?

    here in SA any if your on the road/council land in/on anything driving/riding it, then it can lead to big fines and loss of license, take foolsp33d's advice find somewhere legal and save yourself, and the community the hassle! ________ Vaporizer Whip
  6. y0 ash-tray!


    100% correct, DJs today aint what they used to be thats for sure.... i played around with Traktor for a little while did some mixing for different things, mostly mixing a playlist of songs into one huge song, all for personal use, ________ Honda c77 specifications
  7. y0 ash-tray!

    Bald Tyre At Parwan MX TRack Melbourne

    mate if you have less than a centimetre of knob left you are in trouble...... as for riding with a bald tyre, expect to end up on the floor.... ________ Small Tits live
  8. y0 ash-tray!

    DHZ Duel Exhaust

    ^^^^^^^^^^^read the first post mate ________ Nevada Dispensaries
  9. y0 ash-tray!

    Show us your Bike Transport / Car Pics

    well heres what i transport my MTB in... i wanna sell it and buy a ute.... for now i will just use my olds mans hilux to transport the pitty... well when i get one in the next month or so.... its a 1998 Nissan Pulsar SSS ________ STAGE GRINDER
  10. y0 ash-tray!

    Anyone here a mechanic?*merged*

    apprenticeships are tough, the first 6months all i did was sweep, empty bins, help the foreman after that the boss kinda realised my potential and i got work ever since i am still the first apprentice to get decent jobs the pay is crap, look at the bigger picture, ability to earn more on...
  11. y0 ash-tray!

    Stolen from the garage!!! CRF50

    one of my hates is theives, people work way too hard for what theyve got, only to have some low life dole buldger pinch it!!! hope you get it all back and they get whats coming to them its called KARMA *****es and its coming back around ________ HEALTH STORE
  12. y0 ash-tray!

    Moto Boots Around $200

    got to your local bike shop choose which ones suit your budget, style, size and buy them... stick to the decent brands and you shoulndt go wrong ________ Kt120
  13. y0 ash-tray!

    Really Bad Kickback On My PitPro XR 140cc

    4 stroke bike yeah, means there are four strokes to complete a full combustion sequence suck: air and fuel are drawn in due to the piston travelling downwards, inlet valve open, exhaust valve closed squeeze: air fuel mixture is compressed as piston travels up, both valves are closed bang: air...
  14. y0 ash-tray!

    God DAMN that's good locktight!!!

    if an impact screwdriver didnt move it, i doubt that grooving the screw and using a flat head would do much good drilling and easy out would be your best bet ________ VAPOR CANNON
  15. y0 ash-tray!

    Who keeps reptiles?

    good mate has 2 snakes and his parents have 3 snakes(childrens and a jungle), 2 lace monitors(outdoor enclosure), several beardies, couple of water dragons and some peninsula's i love reptiles and their popularity is growing rapidly!! i thought about getting a snake but the missus wont have...
  16. y0 ash-tray!


    be careful putting your tool box on the A-frame, last thing you want is to jack knife becasue your tool box is way too big on your A-frame if that makes sense at all haha looks really good though mate ________ Chevrolet omega specifications
  17. y0 ash-tray!

    so.. your a 'boy-racer' eh...

    Ken Block is a co-founder of DC shoes, hence why all the DC gear.... but yeah this guy is pretty crazy and i want his skill level of driving ________ POV VIDS
  18. y0 ash-tray!

    im after some info, anyone that has a good knowlege on ricers/imports

    people go single turbo for power rather than throttle response the bigger the turbo the bigger lag hence why twin turbo setups run two smaller turbos rather than one big one most track cars will stick to twin setup and drag cars go for the single its all about the application God only invented...
  19. y0 ash-tray!

    Where to buy number stickers

    guys down at brickworks, pretty much tell them what you want they design it on a computer in front of you then print it while you wait gives you exact dimensions and the look you want before buying the sticker!!! ________ ANDALUCIA COOKING
  20. y0 ash-tray!

    im after some info, anyone that has a good knowlege on ricers/imports

    supra's might have the go but you need a boat license to drive one because thats how they handle if you are looking to import talk to Christian at Iron Chef Imports. Iron Chef Imports - Home ________ SICK FROM NEXIUM