God DAMN that's good locktight!!!

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Mini Riders Legend
Jan 10, 2009
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About three whacks with the impact driver and this is the result :mad:
anyone know any other tricks I could use to loosen up the bolts? I was thinking maybe blowtorch?

this one's for you Headsmess, see the stingy buggers had a bracket for the lighting coil but left it emtpy :confused:
that would just strip the head,
I was thinking maybe drill out and tap the bolt hole but that's a last resort
didnt think u were meant to do the bolts in the motor,, cuz they could get into the oil,, but i could be wrong on that

and drill and tap new thread
could try to grab onto it with something and turn it,, like vicegrips
tap 'n' die would be the last option but looks like the best..

your not surpose to locktite the motor bolts.
well after doing that to an IMPACT driver the drill wouldn't come close, thanks for trying to help tho :)

yea they say to locktight the stator, I've never taken it off before it's like that from factory
we used to do this with striped bolts..get the nail punch sharpen it on the grinder get your hammer and smack away, put it in the groove though or you can make a mess of things..
I don't get it, what does that achieve? is it so you can drill it easier?
if it has locktight on it if you heat it up the locktight will not hold when its hot. then it will be easyer. thats why exhast bolts are always a nightmare
yea I figured heat would work like that, but wouldn't it at the same time weaken the china screw even more? I dunno I've packed up for the day, done enough damage for now.
I don't get it, what does that achieve? is it so you can drill it easier?

you hammer it in an anti-clockwise and it comes lose but if you dont make it sharp it won't make an indent in the screw thus not turning...so make it sharp hammer anti-clockwise and should make an indent which should losen it...
well i'm sure i'm not saying anything you dont already know but you can get loctite Freeze and Release, probably an oil change after using would be good...

then following the same thought you could try heat b4 or after the freezing (maybe not Immediatly b4 or after) guru's please add to that one for me 'i dont know jack'

then last resort would be easy outs available at tool shops everywhere.

well maybe last resort is drilling it out but personally i'd take that off the table str8 out i'm not a fan of dodgy bros mechanic **** (even tho i'm number 1 on their chrissy card list lol)

anyway thats my 2 sense...... lol
ah yep I've got easy outs but the small one's broken, might have to replace it then
cheers ando I'll look into that Freeze and Release stuff, I think easy outs might be the way, only thing is if you stuff up the easy outs you're left with no choice but to drill
use a dremmel or something similiar grind a slot for a flat head bit.
or cut an x across the head of the screw going slowly untill you reach the stem of the screw then carefully chisel the screw head of or drill the screw head off(maybe harder due to the hardened steel bit stuck in it), then remove the stator plate and use vice grips or easy out to remove the stem of the screw..
if an impact screwdriver didnt move it, i doubt that grooving the screw and using a flat head would do much good

drilling and easy out would be your best bet
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use a dremmel or something similiar grind a slot for a flat head bit.
or cut an x across the head of the screw going slowly untill you reach the stem of the screw then carefully chisel the screw head of or drill the screw head off(maybe harder due to the hardened steel bit stuck in it), then remove the stator plate and use vice grips or easy out to remove the stem of the screw..

perfect saga, i just did this on friday with coolie and we got stuck on this and also on the slotted nut on the slinger... luckily coolie got the keys for his work, so quick trip down the road and we had access to the full loctite range and a cool chisel kit we used on the slinger nut. Worked a charm. its about where we got to with the slinger nut cutting a deeper slot so the 3" grinder key would fit. thankfully didnt come to that.

one a side note all our effort was for naught anyway... trying get a bigger carb to work on the yx150 changed irk to ork and slinger. cactus has been a huge help with my efforts but unfortunatly its got coolie and myself completely stuffed so its in at the doctor now.
i would heat it up a bit ( not glowing red obviously) give it a few wacks with a hammer to try and vibrate it a touch then use the impact driver again

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