Puppy's ears, tail cut off in cruel attack.

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Jul 22, 2007
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I seen this on the news today and it pissed me right off. I dont see what anyone would get out of doing this and id just love to get my hands on them and see how they cope with it being done to them (although we may have to substitute the tail thing for another part of there anatomy). I would happily volunteer to dish out some punishment to them. I hate animal cruelty!

Heres a quote from the news article:

A PUPPY'S ears and tail were cut off with scissors in an act of cruelty so sickening it left welfare workers in tears.

Buckley, an eight-week-old border collie cross staffordshire bull terrier, was found abandoned in a Sydenham school yard on Saturday, July 11.

Lost Dogs' Home manager Sue Conroy, who is looking after Buckley, said it was one of the worst cases of animal cruelty she had seen in 23 years.

"I've had staff crying," she said.

"The puppy would have received no anesthetic and would have made a lot of noise.

"He would have been in unspeakable agony"

Ms Conroy said staff had treated his wounds with ointments and administered pain relief and antibiotics.

She said the puppy "was not ready to be adopted just yet".

"His hearing will not be perfect, but he’s not deaf. But mentally, he’s is still traumatised and is hiding from people."




yeah i seen that, wtf would poses someone to do something like this?? I'm sure there are alot of people out there that'd like to get a hold of the person responsile, me included. Its hard to belive what some people are capable off...
If I EVER find the Mother4krs responsible for this I SWEAR I WILL be doing the EXACT same thing to them!!!!!! I wont be so nice as to leave their tongues in thou... I Find ya.. Ya F@#$ED!
poor little guy, how could anyone do this? I'm with you thump, whoever did this should have the same done to them and them some, maybe fingers and toes too 1 cut off each day for 10 days
OMFG .... i am appalled, just cant believe my eyes... wouldnt have thought it possible, makes me livid just seeing the photos.
that poor puppy who ever the prick is that did it needs his/her ears cut off to and see how they like it
hope they catch the sadistic motherF
thats f@$king shocking, I feel a man hunt coming on this prick deserves everything he gets!
that is f%*king terrible..... i would love to get that dog and treat it with the care it deserves. As for the people who did this...unf%#king beleveable lock them up in prision.
Plain wrong... I could never bring myself to do this to another living being and I just cant understand how someone else could. karma is a bitch...
Honestly stuff like that really makes me sad. I myself have a puppy and the thought of that happening to him really makes me cringe.
When a dog attacks someone severely it is put down,

i say someone who attacks a dog like this and inflicts this much pain on something deserves to get put down, what psycopath would be capable of this.

i mean, did he get a puppy so he could do this to it, sick bastard..i wonder if he would like it....i hope someone finds the person who did this and cuts off their ears and their genitals, i think karma is coming.
that is the most messed up thing I have ever seen. there has to be some serious mental problems with the person who did this. Lets just hope justice gets served.
I hope they find these cu*ts that did this and do the same back... what makes someones brain snap like this and consider it a great idea to do ??? there is some sick fuks out there
isnt animal cruelty tell tale signs of someone who is likely to grow up and be a murderer?

thats so f**ked... i feel sick reading that stuff.
that is horrible, suck a cute little dog as well

kinda makes me feel sick like i did when i heard about that little boy who was taken from the shops
and abused for hours by two not much older boys and then they left him on the train tracks
pretty sure it was in the UK??

makes me feel ill to the pit of my stomach literally thinking about this crap
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yes we all would hate the dogs that chase u when ur on ur moto..
but seriously wtf...
i am stunned some sicko would do this

i dont wanna get started...
i hate some people like that i think thos who did that should have their ears fingers toes privetes cut off and have a motorbikes hot exsaust [riden all day] shoved up their sick A$$ A$$HOLES AND HOW DID THEY CUT THE TAIL AND HOW COULD THEY CUT ONE EARS OFF:mad::mad::mad::(
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im not condoning animal cruelty with what im going to be saying here....

firstly, what has happened to this dog is sickening. thats humans for you, huh? theres always one sicko out there, preying on the defenceless...be it an animal, a child, or just someone building a house...
so, no, i dont like seeing this sort of crap.

but. i grew up around minifoxies, and theyd always had their tails cropped. they look ******* weird with tails now its illegal to do so...but to all the animal liberationist greenie ******s that made it illegal, i ask...have you ever seen the mess it makes when your dogs tail gets caught in a door? no. they havent. and i know id rather have my puppy put through a brief pain when its blind and deaf than hear the howls of pain, see the blood, and pay the bills too have a vet remove the damaged parts when an accident does happen... though this puppy was obviously past the blind and deaf stage, so...it woulda hurt. a lot.

mastiffs have their tails cropped. dobermans have their tails and ears cropped. pigs have their tusks cut out witha pair of sidecutters. chickens have half their beak removed. all for valid reasons in todays society and mass production of animal based products...oh, and bull calfs have their balls cut off with a razor blade, get branded, lambs have their tails and balls cut off, the list goes on. and these arent one offf things, they happen daily, worldwide...

what happened to this puppy is sick still, cause obviously someone did it either for some perverse pleasure, or theyre just retarded. anyway, thats my gripe.... its one puppy in a list of several million puppies, only this one got the medias attention...

toughen up, take off the rose tinted glasses and see that life isnt all cotton wool and fairy floss... its hard. very hard. and the strongest survive...
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there's a big difference between ear/tail cropping and what was done to this puppy, ear/tail cropping when done right doesn't hurt the dog, I wouldn't do it but I don't mind others doing it. Cutting off a dogs ears and tail with a pair of scissors is torture and anyone who does that deserves to live their life in never ending pain. You can see from the pictures that they weren't attempting to cut them off for the usual reasons, they just wanted to hurt him, unless of course like you said they are just completely retarded.
But I know what ya mean I've seen videos of asians killing dogs for food, the dogs live their life in pain locked up in a cage where they can't even move/sit or do anything, seriously, imagine a dog standing there the cage was less than half the size of the free standing dog. then, when it's time to slaughter them they use light planks of wood to beat the dog to death, it's not just one blow and bam dead they hit the dog for minutes at a time while they yelp in pain. so yeah what happened to this puppy was NOTHING compared to what happens to dogs over the world daily, but it's still sick and whoever did it deserves to suffer 10fold, and I would happily deliver that pain to them.
that is horrible. what kind of f**ed up idiot does this? Unbeleivable, where has this world come to? just terrifying....
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