Well-Known Member
I seen this on the news today and it pissed me right off. I dont see what anyone would get out of doing this and id just love to get my hands on them and see how they cope with it being done to them (although we may have to substitute the tail thing for another part of there anatomy). I would happily volunteer to dish out some punishment to them. I hate animal cruelty!
Heres a quote from the news article:
Heres a quote from the news article:
A PUPPY'S ears and tail were cut off with scissors in an act of cruelty so sickening it left welfare workers in tears.
Buckley, an eight-week-old border collie cross staffordshire bull terrier, was found abandoned in a Sydenham school yard on Saturday, July 11.
Lost Dogs' Home manager Sue Conroy, who is looking after Buckley, said it was one of the worst cases of animal cruelty she had seen in 23 years.
"I've had staff crying," she said.
"The puppy would have received no anesthetic and would have made a lot of noise.
"He would have been in unspeakable agony"
Ms Conroy said staff had treated his wounds with ointments and administered pain relief and antibiotics.
She said the puppy "was not ready to be adopted just yet".
"His hearing will not be perfect, but he’s not deaf. But mentally, he’s is still traumatised and is hiding from people."