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  1. JasonP

    First time out on my Atomik ProX 125cc

    lol i hate t when the muf burns u
  2. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    oh yea sweet im from tasmania so it shouldnt be to much for freight so how much u selling for 800 was it and im a lil confused r u talkin about a whole bke or just a motor cause when u said u put protaper bars on i thought u were talkn about a whole bke lol ? so yea plz reply
  3. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Yea sure will ill take a few photos of it and see if i can get some footage of me riding
  4. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Hey everyone i might be getting my bike this saturday
  5. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    . im sooo bored atm
  6. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    haha no its not my first bike i just love motorbike riding i have had a Pee Wee 50, Suziki 125, Suziki DS 80 and now i will have this
  7. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Ok thanx ill try that oh and mines a Bigfoot 2 and ll have a talk to my parents prox666 i might buy ur motor for a spare
  8. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Hey any1 know any good sites can get a unifilter at?
  9. JasonP

    Noobie needs Advice

    Seduce u look like a decent rider how long u been ridin 4?
  10. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    OK ill get a Uni Filter then
  11. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Ok ill get a Uni Filter for it then
  12. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Hey everyone thanx for the replies and also what would be a good airfilter and chain to put on the bike because i have heard that you need to change both the chain and filter because the chain streches and filters not very good
  13. JasonP

    First time out on my Atomik ProX 125cc

    Hey dude well done i am getting the same bike in about a week (Are they good Bikes??) PS I rember my first bike PeeWee 50 it was a wicked little bike a had it for like 3-4 years beofre i sold it and well done on learning ur gears so quick have fun riding
  14. JasonP

    HELP Atomik ProX 125cc

    Hey everyone im new to this site im 14 and i have been offered a Atomik ProX 125cc off my uncle for free he is putting a brand new engine,plastics and stickers on it then is giving it to me for free all because i said i wonted a Thumpstar :D i was just wondering how good these bikes are and what...