First time out on my Atomik ProX 125cc

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Andrew Aslan

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
yay 2day wes first time on my bike, it was VERY fun. Its my first bike i have been on a motorbike b4 but this was my first time on a bike that mine and on a bike with gears so i had to learn, it was easy took like 10-15mins then i was ok doe the rest of the day! Loved it!

PS- please comment

Cheers Andrew
thats sweet as man, i remember when i first got my bike i couldnt get off it!

if you ever have any problems in the future or need different oppinions on things this is the place to ccome!

welcome to miniriders and looking forward to hearing more from you. :)
thats good to hear your loving mate. the freedom of riding bikes is one of the best feelings. ask anyone who owns a bike lol
well andrew congrats me ol mate

well done on mastering your gears quickly ,u should be proud of your self
great to see your haveing fun mate looking forward to a pic or 2 of you and your new whip mate

even drop a vid of you tearing it up mate that would be sweet

cheers and happy trails buddy
i brought a prox 125 a couple of weeks ago . my first bike too. I hope your having as much fun as i am :)
Hey dude well done i am getting the same bike in about a week (Are they good Bikes??)

PS I rember my first bike PeeWee 50 it was a wicked little bike a had it for like 3-4 years beofre i sold it and well done on learning ur gears so quick have fun riding
Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to reply to you all. Im enjoying my bike SOO much i have now got all my gear just need sum mx pants and im done :p . ive been out about 4 times now.. and alot up and down my street lol...Next time i go out im going to get my dad to record me so i can put up a vid for u guys to watch. I go down to Appin in Sydney it a great ridding place and soon i want to do a course there to learn how to jump.. lol im to scared to jump more then like 2 feet yet.. and i can land right.. lol

Cheers Andrew
practise = perfect try it if you crash then you crash everyone crashes anyways you'll get used to it all pretty quickly any ways good to see ya getting into it =]
Yea, i staked it yesturday and now im limping.. lol hert my knee and korked my thigh its it still porked!!! And like 1 hour ago, my bro was riding around the house and he wanted me to put bike away and when i did it lent against me and it burnt me leg!!!!!!!!! omg its stinging like crazy!
man if you can jump on pushys, then its pretty simple, but dont over rev it when hiting jumps, cus dam, first and last time i done that the head was high and the back was low, landing it on the back wheel and bounced me off lolz

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