Bit of an update, I took half the fan blades off the flywheel acouple of days ago. Huge improvement in acceleration with no noticable loss of airflow at idle, might take off half of whats left and see how that goes:D
Update for yas
got the sprocket done:D
I'll have to get back to you about the custom sprocket bananaman, i want to see if this all works before i spend to much money on it lol
One way to overcome this is to either make a carb spacer block or a longer manifold. The longer intake path makes for a higher gas speed and can neutralise the reversion but going to long can cause a lag effect similar to turbo lag
This reeks of advertising and if these are the depths they have to go to to sell bike then i for one sure as hell are not going to buy one. Achmed get the point your not wanted here, i have permi banned 8 of your accounts and can keep this up all day. Your just making yourself look like a fool
Im thinking we should stop swearing in the chat box to, under the same system, will be harder to police but i have seen a few of our younger members using the chatbox so we should take the same care with it.
Whos with me on this?
Mines the rough lookin yellow tanked Z or the Black and silver ProX with a rider that needs a new helmet.
Hoping to be able to start racing soon but dont know if im staying here or moving to Cairns, all depends on what jobs come up where