Swearing in posts

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Well thats good enough for me.
Chatbox will now be watched for swearing with the same ban increments.
I'll also be watching for sexist remarks.
noooooo........ but yes some members do go a bit crazy in there some times... gay it carnt be deleted, i bet coolio can delete as they come... stupid admin powers lol
noooooo........ but yes some members do go a bit crazy in there some times... gay it carnt be deleted, i bet coolio can delete as they come... stupid admin powers lol

I can delete chatbox messages (I think all mods can) but I dont think we should have to patrol it but hopefully once everyone knows the rules we wont have to patrol it as much but no matter what we do we will always get idiots on here.
I can delete chatbox messages (at my end atleast) and yeah how did sus get unbanned?:confused:
Who unbanned achmed? I think it was a wack call and contradictive of this thread..
You mods need to stop picking favorites.
Shutup freak ...
next thing there will be links to re-runs of sesame street ... lol
Maybe we should have an adults only section ...
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You were running your mouth, talking tuff with inappropriate language. I was under the impressive this was a all ages forum.
No one wants your gutter mouth bringing down this forum. If you wanna talk trash save it for the pub mate.
i know who unbanned achmed.. and he if he dont pull hes head out of hes self i will message coolmodee and will get demoted.......... why is there alwayz so much drama when every achmed is here?
ok then ... bert and ernie ... lets all say the letter "D" ... "D" stands for *******, isnt that right big bird
Enough with the sesame st lines it's getting old. We all watched it but the difference is "most" of us stopped about the time we hit 4th grade.

I guess some people just can't let go hey achmed...
ok i got a warning for saying "shet" and "kent" in the chat box... can some 1 other than the person that warned tell me wat is rong with these words??
its my new zealand accent
Sus would you like family of the 10yo that read it and repeated it to explain what you obviously dont understand?

A ban on swearing was set so u thought u would be a smart ass and and change a letter or 2 and all will be fine but no its not. Kids are smart these days and some maybe smarter than u by the look of it so please grow up and maybe learn some new words coz we dont need swearing all of the time.

I unbanned Achmed on a strict warning the same as what was imposed on sus1. I believe everyone should get one warning so they know the rules and once they have used that up then there gone.

Is that understandable and does everyone think that is fair?
Sus would you like family of the 10yo that read it and repeated it to explain what you obviously dont understand?

A ban on swearing was set so u thought u would be a smart ass and and change a letter or 2 and all will be fine but no its not. Kids are smart these days and some maybe smarter than u by the look of it so please grow up and maybe learn some new words coz we dont need swearing all of the time.

I unbanned Achmed on a strict warning the same as what was imposed on sus1. I believe everyone should get one warning so they know the rules and once they have used that up then there gone.

Is that understandable and does everyone think that is fair?

yes that is fair , if i just signed up and didnt no nothing and got banned for 1 swear word i personally wouldnt come back to the forum...
no its not fair at all i see people swearing in the chat box all the time
actually saying the real worlds and i change the letters and get in trouble??

for starters I_THUMP **** isn't a bad word and so saying "shet" is not a bad word either

and "kent" could be a male or shemales name so there is nothing wrong in saying that word.

maybe u should stop targeting me all the time and target some one else who is actually saying and doing the wrong things and give them the warnings

and swearing in PM's hurt my feelings so please dont do it... your a moderator you should know better...
I think to verify the pm he sent you, you should copy and paste in this thread!!!
I've been swore at in a pm and my life hasn't been the same since, I've lost all my self esteem. Maybe I should sue for damages.
I think to verify the pm he sent you, you should copy and paste in this thread!!!
I've been swore at in a pm and my life hasn't been the same since, I've lost all my self esteem. Maybe I should sue for damages.

yea i think so... im starting to feel very low....
I will save sus the trouble of cutting and pasting the pm I sent to him

So here it is-

"I will make it official and on record that I will ban you for bad language including ''shet kent''

Does that make u happy now coz the ban will stay if u f###(edit) up and no one will be able to get u off it.

Thats your official warning so dont f###(edit) up mate."

Now that was a PRIVATE MESSAGE so swearing is ok aslong as its not abusive.

Does that sound abusive? No it was a friendly warning to a so called mate.
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