My problem with the exhaust is, as stated from day 1 that its a crap exhaust. Yes everyone has to run them so nobody has any advantage/ disadvantage, all well and good if the only place you ride is at Lakeside. I did alot of looking around before I bought my current exhaust and it has an awesome sound and flows really well. Now if I take the can off and whack one of those POS cans on I will have to retune my carb for the bike to run properly. Then when I go to another track I will have to deal with diminished power due to crap exhaust or refit my good can again and retune my carby again. Thats alot of stuffing around just to ride a different race track.
As with alot of people money is tight for me at the moment, now I would have to work out some way to get one of those cans to me as its to far to drive and pick it up. Would then have to stuff around fitting it, retune carb, blah blah blah.
To do the first ride the cost would be huge for me
$30 + postage for exhaust (stuff to make it fit $$ ?)
$55 licensing fee
$20 for the session
$40-$60 in fuel, 400ish K return trip
$5 fuel for the bike
So thats what like $160 already, I know location isn't on my side with this one so maybe the northen folk won't have this kind of outlay but still there first time looking at a minimum of $105 just for license, session, exhaust. $85 of that is basically wasted if the sessions get canceled. Maybe more in perspective if you say its 1/10 the cost of most pittys....... Lets not forget here that my bike is already setup either, others will be looking at outlays for wheels + tyres. Can be a very expensive way to see if you like minimotard.
Ditch the exhaust rubbish, make people aware of the $20 1 day license as it will cut the cost if they just wanna try it and get some cheap wheelsets (just the cheap 12 x 2.15" kenda 90/90-12 sets) available for loan ($5 for the day?) and you will get more people interested.
btw 12 month MA recreational license is $85 from memory
you can get a day license for $20 if you go to a one off thing normally tho