12'' rim front on a 14'' front pitty(sit level or not?)plz read

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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ok ive heard puting a 12'' front rim on a pitty that usually has 14'' front 12'' rear will make the bike sit on a angle an ive also been told the bike will sit level with the 12'' on the front

so ive started this thread so i can get the right info

so how will the pitty sit???
just put it on and if it sits on angle just adjust the rear shock to make the backa lil bit lower.....i dont think it will sit on an angle tho
i dont know the pros an cons of the different sizes but ive been told the 12'' front handles better, i want the 12'' on the front to make it look more like a true pitty

i just brought a set of pitboss 12'' black rims so ill see how it goes lol

does anyone know which front tire has the wall the same size or close size to a rear kenda carlsbad?

know im going to get a 37 cnc rear sprocket rk chain an a black or red bashplate an gas cap
p.s i also put a set of black cnc billet empire footpegs ill update my thread an show some pics of my bike when the rest of the parts are on
With my bike it will definitely be on an angle as the with the 14" and 12" its dead even.
yeah true but if i get a front tyre with a big side wall an then lower the rear end i reckon it will sit even an look good (i hope lol)

some ppl were saying yes some no so i thought fu@k it ill buy a set an see for myself it cant hurt an then when other ppl ask the same question i will be able to give them a correct answer
i think it does depend abit on you bike and the angle of your frame and ****.. my bro had a 14" front and a 12" back and he went out and bought a 12" front set up and put that on and it was sik even though your better off running 10" 10" the 12" instead of the 14" seemed to be fine could be different on different bikes but defiantly try it and find out =) bit against big wheels =) haha :D
Even if it does sit a bit low at the front, you can always lower the front legs a bit at the and a drop it a bit at the rear. half and half say. It would be a good compromise I think.
just put it on and if it sits on angle just adjust the rear shock to make the backa lil bit lower.....i dont think it will sit on an angle tho

It does change the angle. Putting a smaller rim on the front only will change the rake and trail of the front end. This increases the steering response, especially on bitumen. Which is why Mintard and I are fitting 12" front and rear road tyres for bitumen stuff.
********! 10" 10" looks heaps bloody better than anything! u want big wheels get a big bike really and the handling they handle sik if you can ride half decently and isnt that half the point of the mini bikes for a rough fun out of control ride?
********! 10" 10" looks heaps bloody better than anything! u want big wheels get a big bike really and the handling they handle sik if you can ride half decently and isnt that half the point of the mini bikes for a rough fun out of control ride?

totally agree..

i like the look of the 10'' 10'' on the crf50's
and yeah thats why i bought my minis ive got a big bike for serious riding an love the mini for throwing around ruff sufaces an having a good ol time
my 110 with the 10'' 10'' but was just a lil too small for me that why i wanted to go to 12''12'' cause i think the 12's are still mini
the 12's are coming more common now thats why ppl are think that they are still mini so i dont think its too bad but they way i see it the smaller i can make my bike the better =) smaller=lower to the ground... feels lik your goin faster and best of all your always out of control! the way to have it =) good 2 kno u agree tho Divy :D
12" 14" or 12" 12" are better for midsize mini's, I think a 14 front makes it alot more stable but makes cornering harder but you get used to it, my other bike has a 10 10 setup and you can move the front wheel around so easily.

10 10 arent better on all mini's, imagine putting a 10 10 setup on an AGB29 or any other midsize, it would be just bit out of scale. I like the 12 14 setup better.
if anything the 12 inch in the front will make it a tiny bit more rough...probably not even noticeable

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