motobro, if you would like a bit more engine grunt plus 30% less noise, i do make a special muffler cone to suit your pipe / muffler, these are made from billet alum and do work, cost is $30.
hahah yer Crazzy #1 u got me , so by the sounds of it u have the same as well ?? , do u no where we can buy a replacement gear lever mine is bent to ********* , and also spare plastics?
see the pic above of the muffler, take note of the outlet size [ large ] and noisey the new power cone has a reduction outlet of 20mm and the inner side has a special tapper to avoid too much back pressure.
hmmm, not sure where you can get replacements up there, but try contact dhz he will prob have them, i pain 50 bucks for the seat, rear mude gard, shrouds etc