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Active Member
Mar 18, 2006
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hey all my new moto heres some pics, let me no wat u think



sorry about the time to get this on here
How do i get my fotos onto the site?? also Does anyone no where i can buy a replacement gear lever as mine is bent??
motobro, if you would like a bit more engine grunt plus 30% less noise, i do make a special muffler cone to suit your pipe / muffler, these are made from billet alum and do work, cost is $30.
lol u got that from DHZ hey, just got different stickers

i like the yellow i should have gotten yellow instead of black

meeh if he still has them in a month or two i might buy another one, at the price there selling at why wouldnt you want one
interested in this muffler cone RD RACING. more interested in it reduicing the noise check your pm. oh and how do the cones work where it go?
crazzy #1 said:
lol u got that from DHZ hey, just got different stickers

i like the yellow i should have gotten yellow instead of black

hahah yer Crazzy #1 u got me , so by the sounds of it u have the same as well ?? , do u no where we can buy a replacement gear lever mine is bent to ********* , and also spare plastics?
yea same place you bought the bike

ALSO MATE REPLACE THE CHAIN WITH A D.I.D chain as my old one stretched and ****** up my bike

a month later 140 down the drain and then sold it

was sad to c it leave, but i wanted it to go so i wouldnt destroy it anymore
see the pic above of the muffler, take note of the outlet size [ large ] and noisey the new power cone has a reduction outlet of 20mm and the inner side has a special tapper to avoid too much back pressure.
yea, thats what i was thinking, isnt back preasure bad for it?? i had a handle grip in mine at one stage

but then my told me that it is not a good idea if i want the bike to last longer
hmmm, not sure where you can get replacements up there, but try contact dhz he will prob have them, i pain 50 bucks for the seat, rear mude gard, shrouds etc
RD Racing pm me i am interesting in purchase if cone for my muffler but i also need instuctions of how to install

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