yo Cactus_Jack have you got any idea on the clearance between the valves and piston when at TDC ?
Because i plan on getting a High Lift Cam 7.0mm and i was just wondering how much bigger the dome on the piston can get.. ??
No , I don't know as I've never checked but what you do is take the head off , put plasticine in the valve pockets - smear some oil on the valve heads so they won't stick to the plasticine - put the head , cam chain etc back on and turn the motor over by hand - then take it off and measure the depth between the piston and the valve imprint in the plasticine . That'll give you the stock clearance .
Then when you fit a new piston and race cam - you'll have to do it all again , making sure you have at least the same clearance as the stock engine with whatever extra clearance the cam manufacturer recommends .
The dome can be as big as what will fit in the chamber without hitting anything but you need a flame trough to allow equal flame front travel throughout the chamber ! Keep in mind that if you go too high in compression the engine will lose peak revs (unless the cam has a lot of over lap) , and will detonate more easily if you don't use high enough octane fuel and have the timing set right . You'll also most likely have to clutch it to start it because the kickstarter and cases will only handle so much before breakages occur .