2001 XR50 or MSO Pro Pitty

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New Member
Dec 20, 2006
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Central Coast
Hey, ive been told that the MSO pitypros are quite schmick. i have an 01 XR50 and would be able to sell it for a new MSO. im a diehard honda fan although i am keen to try one of these.. and i can always buy another xr down the track... what should i do?
dont keep honda. mate honda last and last and last my first bike was a honda QR50 and for about 1 year i did not have only oil i no ppl will say im bullshiting but im not lol it is still going strong lol keep the honda.
well the xr50 will run for ever....but if u want to try somethin new with a 125cc pitbike then gettin an mso pro would b the best 1 to experiment with....im thinkin bout gettin 1 myself
well it depends do you like the xr50 or do you want something new, i dont know ive never had either of the two bikes but if i had to make a choice right now then i would get the MSO for sure
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dude you get the 88 kit for 500 smacks... and bar kit for 300 then a shock and mabye cheepy ebay swinger and your set..