A couple of problems!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Victa , SA
Hey fellas,
I recently bought an atomok 125 and i took it for the first real ride yesterday. I have noticed a few prblems but there not biggies. first is that my electric start doesnt seem to work, i hold the front brake in but all i hear is a ticking noise and sometimes the engine tries to turn over but i doesnt have the power. I think my battery may be flat, can these batteries be charged?. Also my bike has no power in first and all it seems to be good for is getting the bike into seacond lol. after that it has plenty of power. All and all the bike is great and was well worth the money! cant wait to take it for a good long ride. Ohh and also does it matter how hard you ride the bike in?
The battery always stuffs up on theses bikes!, i fixed my by spraying WD40 in all the wire connections, then it started first press of the butten!, plus your running a 48tooth rear sprocket hence 1st feeling like it could tow a boat!, And the harder the better!, run the bike in gental and it will be a peice of crap after u run it in
dont even think charging the batteries, i did that and i stuffed the battery and my wires, ok just take it for a long nice ride, without using the elec start. after the long ride then use elec start. u may be using elec start to often and draining the battery
Cheers ill give it a spray and go for a ride. Not like it matters much if it doesnt work it starts first time with the kick start. also i have noticed that when i go from neutral to first the bike jumps forwards a bit..is this meant to happen..or is the clutch messin up a little?
nah it should be normal when u kick it in gear it gerks semi not too much but, dont these bikes charge when u ride.. the batterie? ur better off changeing ur rear sprocket to about 37 so gear 1 will be usefull, atm with stock u can pull a semi lol


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