Atomik Fury XR 250cc

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New Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Hey guys and girls

Just thought I would start a post about the new model Atomik Fury XR 250cc

I got it last week second hand but has only done 10km and got it for half the price!

I have already stared checking nuts/bolts/screws for tightness. Putting locite on as much as I can to help things from stop vibrating loose.

Just have one concern, as the battery was flat I stared it, turned the idle up enough to charge it up. I noticed after about 4 minutes, the exhaust was starting to glow (only faintly). My concern is that if I hit the slightest bit of water it will crack the pipe? Or is it cause the motor is not run in yet?

I don't plan on using this for anything other than hunting so its not like I'm going to the track or anything.

Any help would be great


Im no expert but i do have a chinese 250cc I've never seen my exhaust glow red even after riding, although it does get extremely hot.
Its not normal for a bike especially after only a few minutes.
its probably caused by your fuel mixture being too lean. does the bike backfire alot ? if so then its definitely too lean. i would be richening it anyway though.
also make sure your carby manifold is not leaking any air through as that would cause the same problem.

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