Best carb for Z155HO Stock?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Hello, once and again! I know there are many threads about this topic but just would like to ask.
What carb do you guys prefer on z155ho engines? I have looked on ebay at Oko26, PWK 28, PE28 and then the priciest one Keihin FCR 28. I would like to hear + and - about carbs what you run. I have molkt 26mm and its not good. Sometimes the float gets stuck?? so gasoline comes out of overflow and when i knock the carb it stops. im running 2 fuel filters and have opened the carb 4 times because this issue. Keihin fcr might not be my choice because im looking for OK fuel consumption. I ride long trips. Im getting 55-75km from my 3.5l tank with molkt 26mm. Sorry for bad grammar i am not native speaker of english!
I got a oko 26mm runs awesome with my z155 good power, was a big upgrade from the mikuni I was using, I've used the pe 28 on my 190 n its ok but seems to have a ****** needle n seat n gets stuck n leaks, could just be a dud but the okos have better airflow any way might get a 30mm 4 it. if u want more top end n power I'd go a oko 28 make sure it's a good one not the cheap oko copys with the power jet there a prick. Hope this helps :)
Thanks for the answer! I think I need more top-end power so maybe going oko 28. How do you make sure its genuine oko? There's lot of those maikunis/okos on eBay for 20$ and I would not risk my engine on that carb because the slide could get stuck and stuff.
They wont have a power jet, there's alot of different opinions on the cheap oko carbs all i know is the power jet I can't find jets for so that isnt tuneable I'm currently giving one a go on my yx 150 the jets where way off 120 main and 48 pilot, 100 n 36 is usually stock n works well so i had some spares so i put a 104 main and 37 pilot should be ok, was 30 bucks so worth a try i thought ‍genuine okos from dhz are 120$. If u can wait ill let you know in a few days when its not 46 degrees Celsius outside, and I'll let you know if the one I gets ok. But either way if u have the money I'd still recommend the genuine oko I've had mine 2 years n no issues runs great very snappy and great performance. I'll post a picture of the differences if I can
There's the differences


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get a oko 26mm, the 28mm oko is a prick to tune, check out the "for those about to rock an oko" thread in the tech section.....
Thanks for answers, Will and AntNZ! So I'm going to get either the 26/28. I know there's Quality issues on the eBay okos but if they work then I would try. Some of the Chinese okos the jet holes weren't drilled trough so not good. I think that the oko would be betterer choice than PE26 or PE28 because it sounds good and everybody says that they have a good throttle response.
Isn't that power jet meant for 2 strokes? I think it's useless on 4 stroke so doesn't matter
I am not in a hurry so I can wait, currently winter in Finland.
get the 26mm, 28 is too big on a stock engine, ive got a v2 head on mine and still run the 26mm oko
Ok, thanks! What jet kit should i buy? i think 100-122 jet kit would be OK

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