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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Down South, Adelaide
Hey i currently have a pit pro 125r and am lookin to upgrade to somethign a bit better. I am lookin towards a mso 140 but am unsure whether to get the 140s or 140pro. I dont know alot about the mechanical side of bikes and was wondering if the pro is worth the extra money. any help or suggestions would be muchly appreciated! cheers
how much do u weigh?
i know that the pro has very stiff suspension so its gud for heavier guys and the 140s would be betrer for light ppl
i think this is the main difference
Hi mulisha,

I notice that you're new so welcome.

Well yes the pro is worth the money for sure if you've got the money.It has DNM goodies already on it.All you're missing is some hangers and you'll be laughing.

The 140s is also great for the buck.Its got DNM rear shock and usd front.Some hangers and you'll be very happy.

But then again if you've got the money why not get the pro.You've got nothing to upgrade on it except the handlebrs.Its a great package.

Also if you're a big bloke consider saving abit more and grabbing the 140sr.Its bigger then the average pitbike.You should be able to grab it at about 2k if you tell 'em your from miniriders.

All in all there all gret bikes.It just comes down to your budget
MSO is the way to go...hehe it rhymes

The prices on the site mean nothing if your form miniriders.

So once you pick make sure to tell them your from miniriders and you'll get a sweet deal
Yeah they said they will hook me a good deal! Im definately thinking about gettin one everyone seems to be saying they are awesome for the price and are jsut good bikes
buy a motovert they go good

but for what your looking for the mso pro is the way to go (the rhyme is better)
please dont got the mid size bike it really takes away from the whole mini thing

i was chatting to eddy at ciniworx today (tryin to sell him bearings) and he rides a 150 mid size but he is a little dude and he reckons for him it's like riding a big wheel 125 he luvs it
but me i likes the ergo's of the lower seat and high bars

enjoy the mso you wont be disapointed
a midsize bike is like the 08 motovert pro or the pitpro 140xr or the mso140sr
they have a high seat height and lower bars
i find they ride like a big bike instead of a mini

i really think it's personal preferance if you just wanna go fast and not be so agile then go a mid size 140sr
but if ya wanna go fast and still be able to bite hard into a tight corner i reckon the 140pro is the bike for ya

you really notice the differance in agility between 10" wheels and 14"-12" wheels you can hook a corner on 10" flat out
but you gotta think about your speed on the big wheel as you would know from your pitpro

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