Bit of a problem here

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
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hey 2 questions coming here, 1 is my mates bike, last night he rode it to my house, throttle cable snaped so he left it here, we put a new one on today and when i tried kicking it, it was like silent, it had compression but no sound not even a puff outta the exhust, after a few tries no its like stuck, like trying to start in gear, when u do crank it not even the fly wheel moves... pretty random is this engine just carked it? next is my bike, ported the manafold and the head, i think abit of metal dust could of got in the head hey, what kinda damage could this do? if so what should i do?
as for the head porting, you should try to get it out, try a clean rag damp with petrol to get most of it out, it probably wont effect the engine too much as it will pass through pretty quickly
for the engine does the kickstarter still move down or is it stuck as well, sounds like no petrol was getting through at the start but as for the locking up could be a couple of things
shouldnt be petrol it had close to a full tank, it will budge but thats with a huge amount of force behind it, come to think of it when it was silent whilst kicking over it didnt even have that noise that the kickstarter makes (like wheel of fortune steeze) tick tick tick times alot, hope u understand what im saying. But like i said before its very strange coz it was even running fine in my backyard straight after the throttle snaped, turned it off, morning came and yeh its like a different bike.

I know the madass is a bit different to the pitbikes but the engine is the same. I can't kick start mine if the clutch is in. It does nothing, no sound, nothing. As you described.

Could it be it?

Could it have flooded when the throttle cable snapped and left the cable fully out?
i would like to think it was that simple, his is a 4 speed auto thing, 110cc. so from it being that it makes it abit more complicated hey?
sure is champ, the main thing that concerns me is the flywheel aint moving at all.
hey man how did you check the compresion if you can kick it over

my 110 did this one day all i did was drop it into gear and rock it back and forth it freed up and i could kick it
i'm not sure why it happened my guess is that th oil was a bit to old and it had thinned out to much
so as i rode it and heated the oil up then let it sit for i while i reckon the oil drained out of the head maybe leaveing it a bit dry

but i'm not certian

but try bump stating it see how you go
has it got oil?
if not u might have cracked a ring and/or fried the bore

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