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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
adelaide hills, south australia
can you paint plastics on your motorbike??? cos i want to paint mine white. cos they have turned a cream colour. or would it just peel and flake off???
i re-sprayed my old yz50 and it worked fine, u have to sand them a bit first to ruff them up, then use primer, then your colour coat. and obviously take the plastics off before u spray them becoz ull get overspray every where
I spray painted mine on one of my old bikes, looks good for a day or two but then it just peals off.

But if you did it right it would probably work.
it will work and last for ages if you do a light sand then 2 coats of white and then 2 coats of the clear spray paint... did it to a mates bike still looks brand new after a 8 months
You can do it but you want to use a proper plastic primer, not cheap :( but if you dont it will look like **** after 1 ride. Try wiping/scrubing them with a rag soaked in white spirits(thinners,etc.) you'd be surprised how well they will come up. If u do paint them just be aware the paint will crack when the plastics are flexed, also dont put on too much paint, the thinner the paint the better quality and flexibility of the paint. Then again you can get complete sets of plastics on evilbay for less than the cost of the primer and paint.:confused:
Yes you can,

but PREP PREP PREP is the key, to get a nice job that will last you need good quality paint, plastic primer etc, no cheap stuff,

and your final result will come down to how well you did your prep work, prep work is 70% of the job,

if you havent done much painting, than i say seriously think about it first, cause it can so easily turn out crap if you can paint properly, and a DT175 with crappy painted plastics will easily half your sale price if you ever wanted to sell it,
i just went out side and got the finest sand paper we had and sanded it and its turning out heaps beter all ready i might do a bit more during the hollies and get it all white and then spray with clear gloss stuff
some wet and dry paper should do the trick clean them right up then just spray some clear over the top

bobs ya uncle

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