Carby Question`s

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Sep 15, 2007
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I have a 140 lifan and i am usening the carby that was on my 125 lifan i havent measured the size but if i went up to a 30mm would i gain any difference in power or revs can some one shed a little light on my questions thanks
hey mate i dont know the answer to your Q but try having a search i reckon you will find the answer to your question.:)
thanks man yeh havent got around to looking injured my back at work today so just in bed now lol
Yep that question has been answered 10 times over. It sounds like you have plenty of reading time. For the full run down, just search for all the posts by Cactus and Mack.

There are round and oval bored carbs. 30mm is not 30mm.

I had very good results with an OKO26 (round bore and flat slide). At sealevel and 20C and moderate humidity, I ended up with: main=K102 (stock) + slow jet= K38 (richer) + needle up 1 posn (stock = middle). screw=1+18th. Good unifilter installed. Beware OKO quality control is poor, and these carbs are sensitive to temp and humidity and altitude so ideal jetting will vary. Also beware the round bore carbs can sometimes require better hand throttle control.

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