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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2012
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Hey guys, I have a pitpro 150xr, everything on the engine is stock, its running a mikuni 26ml carb. The problem is that it is back firing and sounding like crap! Anyone want to give me some carby settings or just any help would be good!
Was it running fine in the past?
Adjust your valve clearances mate... this is an easy fix..
You can move onto chasing carby issues if this doesnt fix it...

.003 on inlet and .004 on exhaust...
have you done anything to the bike lately?

the carby maybe blocked somewhere, it might just need to be pulled down, cleaned/blown out and reassembled.
dirt blocking the needle and seat?
blocked jets etc?
Yeah I blow everything out with the compressor once a week and take the jets out and all of that. Ill check the clearances later on today and see if that's it. Is the anywhere that I could find out what the settings for the carby is?
just a general setting
idle mixture screw is set to approx 1.5 turns out

back firing can also be caused by an exhaust leak too,
either the flange to head bolts are loose, making the copper sealing ring loose
or muffler to pipe join is loose.
might pay to check them too
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Just did the clearances and its running a bit better still backfiring here and there think it might be In the muffler. Thanks for your help guys.
The muffler is just straight through like no baffles? Don't know if its ment to be like that
Yeah just changed the carby a bit its running okay. See how it goes tomorrow at frankston!
How many turns out should my air and fuel mixture screw be out from all the way in

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