conspiracy theories list here

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
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here are my two favorite conspiracy theories list yours

1 air filter oil collects dirt so you clean it more and hence wearing it out needing more regular replacment of air filter.

2 valve master unleaded fuel additive,why do we need to add a additve to leaded vehicles now running on unleaded,when HQ holdens and valiant taxis were converted to gas they did 100000 miles with no additives to replace the lead and with no head or valve changes

Just to clarify.... The camera taking the film should have the X marks on it's lens, Not the landscape. Look closely and you'l notice one is missing, presumably behind the craft.
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do you want comments on these as well in here??

what may look like a conspiracy to one person could simply be the lack of understanding
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I tell this one to my missus all the time. the make up companies put **** in the makeup so it makes ya skin go bad, then you have to buy their product that fixes your skin back up again.
hey sean and all others feel free to comment on the conspiracy theories but just remember its just a bit of fun dont aim your comments at the person more at the conspiracy.

my other pet conspiracy is global warming and in particular offsetting your carbon footprint,the best one was by a company a couple of years ago that advertised
OFFSET your cars carbon footprint by paying us too plant trees on your behalf

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