Tonight was a very **** night in the progress of my porting job. I had assumed that the head off the ducar i recently bought would fit on my current loncin engine. Assumption was made on the terms that both heads had very similar structural designs, despite differences in valve sizes and cam gear and combustion chamber volume.
But the ducar head isnt going to fit the loncin barrel/piston.
easy you say, swap the barrel and piston from the ducar over. Nup, the ducar gudgeon is 14mm and the loncin 13mm. At this stage i was about to jump in my car (neither of the bikes working) and drive off a cliff!
Ok, so as far as i can see ive got 4 options, two crap and two wishful thinking.
#1- ditch the ducar head and start work on the loncin head. Yes i would do this but here is a comparison between the heads
Ducar head -Intake- Valve: 27mm
Inside Seat: 23mm
Manifold end of port: 29mm
Manifold: 22mm
-Exhaust- Valve: 22mm
Seat: 20mm
Pipe end: 24mm
Loncin Head -Intake- Valve: 23mm
Seat: 19mm
Manifold end: 21mm
Manifold: 24mm
-Exhaust- Valve: 20mm
Seat: 17mm
Pipe end: 20mm
So the ducar, has much bigger valves, and valve seats. I have also spent a fair bit of time working on this head... it is about 1/2 done atm. The loncin head how ever does have less volume (higher compression) but the valves are tiny, and the seats aswell. The seat is about 4mm smaller than the port so theres a massive lip!
Im pretty keen not to work on the loncin head, so im keeping it as a last resort.
#3- Try and get the seats from the ducar head put into the loncin. This would require a fair bit of work to the head as the combustion chamber design is quite different. Again a last resort...
#2- The Conrod bearings on the crankshaft is the same on both engines. I could tear down both and swap conrods, then put the barrel, piston and head from the ducar on the loncin crankcase/gearbox. Now you ask why not use the ducar? It has electric start, will all the wiring butchered, and several cracks in the crankcase.
#3- Source a piston, 53mm which will take a 13mm gudgeon pin. The ducar piston is 53mm but takes a 14mm gudgeon pin, the loncin conrod takes a 13mm gudgeon. This option would mean i could run the ducar piston, barrel on the loncin which in my mind is the easiest option.
So, what do you guyz think... is there any option i have overlooked in my rage lol.
Tonight was a very **** night in the progress of my porting job. I had assumed that the head off the ducar i recently bought would fit on my current loncin engine. Assumption was made on the terms that both heads had very similar structural designs, despite differences in valve sizes and cam gear and combustion chamber volume.
But the ducar head isnt going to fit the loncin barrel/piston.
easy you say, swap the barrel and piston from the ducar over. Nup, the ducar gudgeon is 14mm and the loncin 13mm. At this stage i was about to jump in my car (neither of the bikes working) and drive off a cliff!
Ok, so as far as i can see ive got 4 options, two crap and two wishful thinking.
#1- ditch the ducar head and start work on the loncin head. Yes i would do this but here is a comparison between the heads
Ducar head -Intake- Valve: 27mm
Inside Seat: 23mm
Manifold end of port: 29mm
Manifold: 22mm
-Exhaust- Valve: 22mm
Seat: 20mm
Pipe end: 24mm
Loncin Head -Intake- Valve: 23mm
Seat: 19mm
Manifold end: 21mm
Manifold: 24mm
-Exhaust- Valve: 20mm
Seat: 17mm
Pipe end: 20mm
So the ducar, has much bigger valves, and valve seats. I have also spent a fair bit of time working on this head... it is about 1/2 done atm. The loncin head how ever does have less volume (higher compression) but the valves are tiny, and the seats aswell. The seat is about 4mm smaller than the port so theres a massive lip!
Im pretty keen not to work on the loncin head, so im keeping it as a last resort.
#3- Try and get the seats from the ducar head put into the loncin. This would require a fair bit of work to the head as the combustion chamber design is quite different. Again a last resort...
#2- The Conrod bearings on the crankshaft is the same on both engines. I could tear down both and swap conrods, then put the barrel, piston and head from the ducar on the loncin crankcase/gearbox. Now you ask why not use the ducar? It has electric start, will all the wiring butchered, and several cracks in the crankcase.
#3- Source a piston, 53mm which will take a 13mm gudgeon pin. The ducar piston is 53mm but takes a 14mm gudgeon pin, the loncin conrod takes a 13mm gudgeon. This option would mean i could run the ducar piston, barrel on the loncin which in my mind is the easiest option.
So, what do you guyz think... is there any option i have overlooked in my rage lol.