For what ever its worth (two cents) If i was running in the motor (just ran one in two days ago) i do this. Most carbs will come reasonably jetted to at least run fairly well. Don't worry about trying to tune it while running in cause the way it runs will change as it runs in. I run a carb i know is jetted fairly well for similar size engine. If using an unfamiliar carb, look on the net for commonly run mainjet sizes for that carb/engine combo. In your case planet mini would be a good place to search vm 26 jetting as a heap of guys run them with 146 kits. I then drop the needle clip to richen it a little and go for it. I don't muck around with running in. I start it with a screwdriver handy incase the idle screw is obviously way off, but if she runs clean enough first up thats it. I let the oil pump up with the oil return hose loose so she'll leak and i can be sure the lines are flowing, tighten her up quickly then i pretty much give her a good rap around a little flat track we have accellerating hard to about 2/3 rds throttle through second and third gear for about 5 mins finishing with a few really good revs and a hard steady run back to the shed and do a plug chop. Then straight on the bike stand, dump the oil for fresh to limit the castings and filings from spreading to far into every nook and cranny, have a look at the plug and make any changes to the carb settings if obviously running way off. If it ran fine and the plug isn't showing any obvious bad signs I don't worry any further for now. Straight back on and I pretty much get on the throttle and give her a bit. After about 15 mins of this, I dump that lot of oil and if all is still well and nothing is giving me warning bells, I go at it again now for as long as I like and really like to relax with it and see what shes got. After this run, or really, throughout this run I start to do a few plug chops and run through a few tuning seqences to start sorting it. Often I'm always setting the play in cables as well as checking other things at this time as well. I like to have fun scaring myself while I'm at it too. Thats the only reason I'm into it. I'm one finger typing right now cause of that. You guys now how much of a pain it is to put in capitals with one hand. If you think some of my sentances are too long, thats why. I know i'll have to do a capital next...