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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2007
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hey guys today i thort bugger it and i did the trick alot of people do how u grind the weld out of the exhaust header to make it smooth so u get better air flo i did this put it all back together then started it its loud as HELL and goes like **** why is this, i didnt actualy ride it cause i got a broken clutch cable but it bogges when revving real easy and nearly deffens you when u rev it in the other thread that pitproxr made he said it makes it not as loud and better peformance well it made mine 3 times as loud and i dont no about the performance as yet as i havnt ridden it but it boggs alot

and also in the thread pitproxr made cactus jack said sumthin about a gasket between the headed and the engine mine didnt have anything in between and u can see like a like silver mark where the header is digging into the engine

pitproxr nothing against u mate just saying mine did the opposite lol

thanks guys
Hmm the DHZ140s are very quite and sound like crap with the stock exhaust. When I grinded the welds on my h-bomb it didnt make it any louder??? Are you sure you put the header back on correctly?
cover the end of the muffler and your hand and a rag. start it up and listen for exhaust leaks. it really sounds like you have one
Hmmmm sounds strange. Nope shouldnt be a gap... How loud are we talking?? and how bad is the splattering. Mine splatters like crap when its cold... Take it for a quick ride??
wierd, even when i snaped my exhaust clean off it didnt even bog, just sounded like it was under water
Is the copper O ring on the head of ya engine where the exhaust goes on?
It's probably the copper exhaust gasket. You DEFFINATLY need that
My dhz never had one.. I dont have one with my H-bomb as well. What damage does it cause?
yer my post was only towards pitpro xr riders. how much did u grind out of your exhuast and is it a smooth grinding?did u maike sure your blow and shake all the tiny metal filings from the grinding?
if there is no air leak the carby obviously has to be re-tuned as it would be running lean
I have the pro circut copy pipe, took out all the bafflers, has gained power and sounds tuff, no copper exhaust gasket, that would be your problem, its there for a purpose champ
u must of done sumthing wrong or not put it back on right coz taking welds out should not do anything to make it perform worst.unless ur bike is touchy and its tuned for the way that pipe is or it was a tuned pipe

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