flame seat

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Active Member
Dec 28, 2006
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hey, jst put my seat on my bike with its new upholstry, check it out, wat u think?
i got my mate to do it, i ript the old seat so i got him to change the material and sow the green flame at the front, its not a cover its sowed on
looks good mate! is there any chance of the stitching fraying and the 'licks' of the flames coming unstuck? or has he double stitched it?? Certainly adds to the look. Same material??
thats wick-id stuff. should of done the black in gripper or sumthin, the stock AGB-29 seat is sooooooooooooooooooooo slippery.
looks way good but the flames could be a bit longer and better :)

looks awsome!
u'r mate can sow better then me damnit....lol

get him to teach me, now I'm a mum I'm meant to b able to do that sorta thing, I cant sow if my life depended on it, feel sorry for my daughter....
i didnt have much choice in the material, he had wat he had so i jst pickd the colour, i think after some use the licks of the flames will come unstuck but im gonna see if i can do something with the edges coz the cut edges are seen and will probly come unstuck too, still lookin choice tho!
was gonna get my mum to do it but she culdnt either lol. and im not a great artist and those were the best flames i could draw, wen i crash the bike and rip the seat i will try to do a better job

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