I am having my brake calliper bracket anodised with my triples this week so I thought I would take it of my bike and get all the parts ready. Once I had the calliper of I thought I should service my brakes and replace the fluid.
After I pulled the brakes completely apart I was looking at the paint on the bodies and it looked a bit worse for wear so I thought I would remove the paint and give them a light sand so expose the cast alloy underneath. I tried to use some automotive paint stripper to get rid of the old paint but it would not peal at all. I tried a little bit of sanding but this paint was tough so I masked up the pieces and hit it with the sand blaster.. The finish came out as a nice matt grey which kind of looks like the colour of the brake bodies on big bikes. Once all parts were blasted I washed them in warm water, blew them out with an air compressor and rinsed in some ISO-propyl alcohol to get rid of any excess water.. I gave each part a good clean as I reassembled the brakes and checked for any wear. I will have to get some dot 4 oil sometime this week and a large syringe to re-oil and bleed the brakes. I am quite happy with how they cleaned up and the new finish will be a bit more durable.
Just a small update, I have been getting a few parts together ready for my triples to come back from anodising. I got a new set of Fast50s tapered bearings, stem washer and dust seal so I didn't have to try and get them off my old stem. I also have a new Zeta stem nut & cap in blue to match the bike a bit better, the red ones I currently have won't look right with the new red triples. The blue Zeta tank washer will be used on the front number plate to secure it to the hanger.
Got my triples back from the anodisers today.. The parts look like they are straight from the factory.. I just have to have the stem press back into the bottom clamps then I will mount them up..
Thanks for the comments guys.. It's a Ti heat shield, I wouldn't worry about it usually but this pipe is so big in diameter I think you would definitely hit it with your leg..
Took the bike out riding over the long weekend, was a great ride but was cut a bit short cause my mate got a flat. Ever since I put my new exhaust on I have had a low end bog and a bad deceleration pop, I have just put up with it until now but I had a bit of spare time this weekend so I pulled the carb off and corrected the jetting. From the issues I was having, I had a pretty good idea that the pilot jet was a bit lean so I went from a a 17.5 to a 20.0. After a few runs I leaned out my needle by moving the 'C' clip position from 4 to 3 and set my air screw to approximately 1 turn out from seated. The bike is now running great, I can blip the throttle with no hesitation or bog..