Graphics kits

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
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I just wan't to know how many of you are the type that a graphics kit is always the first mod??

Are you really fussy about them on ur bike or not?
personally i liked the vert when it was a rat with no stickers
but i'm a fan of a good kit

i dont really like whats on the bike now but it suits and came with the plastic

i'm waiting for a miniriders kit to come my way i've got a brand new set of plastics for em already

it's really a personal prefrance

hell on blue i had the stock china stickers on it untill recently
I think white plastics with race numbers looks ok without graphics. I'm going to put some on mine
it wouldnt be my first mod, but definately will do it sometime, even if it is like 2 days before i sell my bike, it will happen. But i think a decent kit is a MUST when selling your bike, sooo many buyers on places like ebay will go by the look of the bike, so if you just chuk a SoBe kit (for eg.) with some plastics, seeing that some of them are only 50 bux for both of them but you will get you a few more bucks later when you sell it. I remember seeing some cr80's 1990-2004 mods and some have a decent kit sold for HEAPS more than the ones witout it.
Hey Graphics kits are really mod to look into for your bike to look a bit better but i wouldnt do it first...

I have a DC shoe co One Industries Jeremy Mcgrath Signature graphics kit it definiteley makes tha bike look alot better:D

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