has anyone ever seen this tag before???

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
attwood - melbourne
hi all, just wondering if anyone has ever seen this tag before or knows who's tag it is.

i live in attwood in Vic and last night some little fu@%er decided to scrawl this on the back of my statesman.

if you have any info it would be greatly appreciated so i can ring the little pricks neck...

Man, that sucks... At least it looks to have been done in marker, you should be able to carefully polish it off :)

Hope you run into the little ****er...
jeez thats bloody terrible i can understand like true graffiti thats like proper art but like wtf is that little ****** thing as i you would even waiste the 2 dollars on buying the marker if your gonna do tags like that. good luck catching him mate .
see this stuff really pisses me off!

i appreciate the art in graffiti, when they are in LEGAL organized spots, along the high ways, train lines etc.
BUT i think its absolutely disgusting people would tag some toy **** on someones PRIVATE property especially a car.

with family owning rental properties on the gold coast iv cleaned numerous "tags" from the front fence. which means repainting the front wall.

that's my 2 cents..

if you were on the coast i could probably find the bastard out for ya, but your not:(
Tempy here, will keep an eye out for similar **** this side n let ya know fella. Lil bastard should be made to clean it with metho and their tongue.. hate **** like that!

on a seperate but similar note.. we need a GOOD graffiti thread!
If you find them mate the next pic you need to post it the one you take from the back window of the stateo at 60K's draggin them behind you :driver:

I dont understand that. Its grubby messy stuff and it seems people cant tell the differnce between legal and illegal walls.
when people graffiti, they know if they are doing it in legal places or not.. and being so few legal places and legal events of coarse its going to be in ILLEGAL places.. but i still admire a lot of the skill and art in it..
my dad left hes truck out the front of our house overnight, and someone wrote "Black power" all over it haha
uh huh.. n its just as cold if not colder than donny east! lmao
no bike means no ride lol.. guess i could push the Zed round the track... :rolleyes: the pp110 I had got swapped with a mate cpl months ago. gave it a hiding prior but .. was towing tree's, water crossings gave it a right hiding lol..

Tis a small world.. there is a few of us from Melb. hence the drinks/dinner night :D
no bike means no ride lol.. guess i could push the Zed round the track... :rolleyes: the pp110 I had got swapped with a mate cpl months ago. gave it a hiding prior but .. was towing tree's, water crossings gave it a right hiding lol..

Tis a small world.. there is a few of us from Melb. hence the drinks/dinner night :D
the tag is a guy who goes by slip of raull

lebo **** who taged a mates car aswell

if i c him i will gutter stomp the **** for u bro as i already did same last time this happeend and he has clearly not made a good choice AGAIN
Spoony with the info! :D any other details can pass along squire spoon? area, address etc.. can quiet easily organise a lynch mob ;)
I hope ya catch the bastard and when ya do tattoo that ****** tag on his forehead and then we'll see how much he likes it.

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