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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
gold coast, palmy
hey i was just about to take my new dhz out today for the 1st time
kicked it over and it was idle wayyyyyyy to high it sounded like it was flat out in 4th even after i turned to choke down it still did nothing how can i make it normal again can sum1 help me please

i was so excited to take it out but now i have to fix it
any help would be great:confused:
alright i finally got the idle right but now theres a new problem arghhh
the front breaks are jammed on do i bleed them or do i do sumthing else?
the front brakes seem a big hassle on mine, even after bleading them after some tight the compress a little to much fluid in and it clamps the brake pad...
far out now i have another problem this sux i was riding down the street and i let go of the ecelerator and it was still going like the throttle was jamed on and wen i hit the brakes it just revs higher does any1 no wats goin on
mate, my bike done the exact same thing... undo ur throttle leaver and move it closer towards the brake fluid chamebar... also check ur throttle cable... i played with mine and figured out that it was abit kinked and just straightend it out and got it to work
i moved it closer to the brake fluid box and checked the line and then started it. still doing it im starting to think that its sumthing to do with the carby and idle speed thing
sound like theres alot of issues with these DHZ bikes....... My agb's have run straight out of the box!
ahh well, its all worth it when there running right:) Whats the lifan in these compared to other stock bikes?

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