Help, what is this bike?

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New Member
Sep 6, 2008
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Picked this up at a garage sale today, for $150 :D , can anyone give me any more info on it? Its apparently a Villias (sp?) mini bike but I can't find any results on google with that name, I think I'm remembering/spelling it wrong. Can't seem to find any markings on it though, to be hones I haven't looked "that" hard yet.




Its fairly basic, looks like just a lawnmower engine thats been made to run vertical.

Centrifugal clutch, kitchen scourer for an air filter (had nothing when i picked it up), and I'm working on a better alternative. Pull starts a bit shady and the brakes aren't too flash, but it goes like a cut snake...... ok, it doesn't, but its still fun and the kids love it.
Looks like one of those old father son build yaself a bike kits
yeah could be a villiers, could also be an old aeromacchi.... but more than likely it's just an old home made job as previously suggested...

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