Help Wtd On Head Fitment

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Yea, i know what your talking about.

Its main use is to stop heat transfer from the exhaust header to the head. You should be able to run the bike without it. Just put the exhaust on like you would. Just be cautious of temps and if your getting some back firing its most likely coz you got no gasket there.

Go down to an automotive store and ask if they've got any exhaust gasket material and see if they stock something similar and you could cut your own out and a few spares. If all they have is teh sealant glue type gasket formers you might be able to get away with that, put a bit ontop of the header face and bolt it up, but gasket material is your best bet.

Ill have a look at my local next time im in the area to see if they've got any if they do ill make you one and send it up.

you should be able to take the bike riding without tho.
yeah man i rode it with out and its running like **** ah it doesnt run very well it misses and back fires like putting out the flame/spark and makes a pppfffttt sound
Any bike dealer should sell the gasket for a couple of bucks. Honda will fit.
Seduce, i picked up one of these from PB Head Quarters yesterday, $3.00 perfect fit. Also had a similar drama on my mates bike on the weekend, found out the CDI connection was loose from the waterproofing! all good now, My upgrade is nearly ready also, just need a 428 chain!
oh nice how much did it cost you if you dont mind me asking??

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