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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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how can i take this rubber **** off my exhaust it was my pants didnt relise that my pants burnd onto the exhaust but ye wat can i use tryed terps doesnt works let me know :)
that happened to me to, my new shift pants were rubbing on the zorst an i smelt something burning i looked down an my pants had burn holes every were lol

i tried to get it off but nothing worked i didnt try steal wool cause it might of scratched it up
i got some off buy after going for a ride an the zorst was hot i got a rag an rubbed hard an some of it came off cause the heat made it soft to rub off
so give that a try
Maybe reburn the plastic off lol, get a lighter and wait till the plastic starts to melt and wipe it off.

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