how to put on new lens and tear offs on goggles

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2009
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melbourne victoria
haven't seen a goggle tutorial yet so thought i'd make one myself..

step 1. get everything ready

step 2. push the top of the goggle till the lens unpops from the goggle

step 3. keep pushing it off but because not to break anything while doing it.

step 4. unpeel the protective cover on both sides on the new lens

step 5. put the lens back in from the top or bottom, whatever you feel is easier for you. just the same as before

now the goggles are ready for use

now if your going to a race day and you are going to use tear offs this is how you put them on. its pretty simple

step 1. grab one of the tear off sheets and make sure its still clean

step 2. choose which side you want to have the tear off facing. (best to have it on the clutch side as your racing you shouldn't have you hand off the throttle as you want 1st place!)

step 3. put the tear off on the goggle lens and put the hole over the black bit sticking out off the lens

step 4. now do the same with the other side

step 5. now that you have it on all good, it would be wise to put another tear off on. however don't put it on the same side as you with pull both off and risk having to take off your goggles due to not been able to see. having dirt in you're eyes isn't ever fun..
so put it on the opposite side.

Also don't put to many layers of tears offs on otherwise you won't be able to see.

hope this has helped afew people out.
Little tip when running 2 or more tear offs. Loop the end of the first tear off back and hook the big hole in the end over the post the put the next one over the top. Always put the on the same way and on the clutch side so you dont have to get off the throttle. When you pull the first one off the end on the second one will will come off the post and be ready to use.

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