I just got my new Orion- is there a checklist before first ride?

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Apr 6, 2007
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I just received my AGB21G-125 bike and it's still in the crate. I read before that directly from dealer there may be things not removed or uncovered like they would be buying from someone who has it ride ready. Is there anything (clamps,plugs) hidden that needs to be checked before the first ride? Also what about replacing plug,oil or filters? Thanks for all the help.
Hey mate, Assemble the bike, Make sure you check that all the bolts are tight before riding it, There will be a clip on the crank house breather hose that needs to be removed before starting the bike, The oil that comes in the bike is the run in oil, its adviced to remove it after the first tank of fuel, good luck and ride safe!
Thanks, actually this bike is for my 10 year old nephew and I want to make sure everything is A-OK before giving it to him.. thanks for any input!!
Uhm, for what i know is that there is something wrong with the wiring on the orions or some ****.
Check that all the bolts are tight, seirously make sure EVERYTHING is tight. Change oil, uhm I dont really know what else make sure chain is tight, spokes are tight thats about it.
Yes for sure, locktight everything
chuck sum pics up of the beast. even if it in the crate.. guud to keep baby pics of ur newbie :)
Uhm, for what i know is that there is something wrong with the wiring on the orions or some ****.
Check that all the bolts are tight, seirously make sure EVERYTHING is tight. Change oil, uhm I dont really know what else make sure chain is tight, spokes are tight thats about it.

make sure chain is adjusted properly, not tight, roughly 25mm slack is what you want, def dont run it tight!!!!

flush fuel tank before hooking hose up to carby, tanks are known to be full of plastic shavings,

tighten all bolts, use loktite everywhere, than after first ride RE CHECK THE BOLTS, these bikes are notorious for bolts coming loose, esp axles/shocker bolts etc,

change oil after first tank of fuel, replace with quality 15/40 MINERAL oil, (change oil regularly)

main thing is just keep an eye out for things coming loose,
lol a 125 for a 10 year old. would he even be able to touch the ground??
please check back tomorrow at this time for pics... thanks.. BTW...for future reference- where is the best place to order parts for this bike?
Dont bother flushing the fuel tank mate, only do that on pocketbikes.
take the tank off air it out. put a lil petrol on the bottom of it then tip it out and thats it.
what about putting my vacuum hose in fill hole to get trash while all is dry? I'll make sure filter is new and will update you all on what I found.

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