i need help!!!

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New Member
Nov 15, 2005
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i got my bike bout a month ago!!! since then i have given it a thrashing!!!
but last weekend some **** hit the fan!!lol any one who can give me tips/addvice will be greatly appreciated!!!
my bike is a 125 appollo!!! as on ebay!!(i know i should have saved the extra money)
my bike was going better than ever on saturday!! but by sunday morning when i tryed to start it i couldn't move the kick starter!!! my first impreshions were that i had sezized my engine!! but i took out the plug to see if it would move with less compression!!! and it did!! while i had the plug out i noticed that there was a fair bit of carbon build up!!! so i cleaned it up!!!
i then took off the top valve cap and the valve was full of oil!! is this normal?
i then started the bike!!! it went good for abou 10-15minutes!!! when i started to smell a burning smell!!! i stoped and look at the engine and noticed a blue smoke coming out of the fly wheel!!! i then took out the dipstick and the smoke came out of the crank case!!!
when i got home i removed the fly wheel cover and noticed it had a hole in it!!! i guess this happend when the stock chain snaped!!! after removal i noticed that the cavity had around an inch of soil and dust built up at the bottom!!! this had caused the timing chain to seize!!!
can this be fixed? or should i just save for a new engine?
hopfully somone out there will know wat to do!!!!
you really dont look after your motor do you? :D anyways they are only cheap to buy... first things first drain your oil you might have too much? now start pulling down the top end you need to inspect the piston,rings,sleve,valves,guides and seats carbon build up is no good on the valves u want all smooth surfaces if anything looks worn its gone! replace the cam chain and have a really good look at the cam sprockets as for the case cover how did u put a hole in it :?: u can clean it out with WD-40 and either replace the case cover for $30 on ebay or buy some two part epoxy glue JB Weld works good for this getting this part TIG welded will cost u more than the part to buy new
if you can post up some pictures of the parts once its been pulled down
thanks!!! that should get me on the right direction!!
i guess it must have got the hole, when the crapy stock chain snaped!!!!
i had a look on ebay!!! but couldn't find the cover!!!! any other ideas?

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