I Rode Jams Today!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
Hey guys

Today I rode Jams in Adelaide, it was awesome!!!

There are 7 tracks all up

some other track with whoops everywhere
some round track with a jump
an oval racing track
and a really wide track with really soft sand

The enduro, kids and the round track with a jump are the best for pittys. Dont even bother with the sand track lol.

Nothing broke on my MSO except a bolt came loose to hold the rear sprocket on and it bent on the swingarm so now I only have 3 out of 4. Would standard bolt shops have these?

I rode my mates 70cc Thumpstar. They are so good! I wish they still made them. It is basically as fast as my MSO but the Thumpstar really needs another gear because it only has 3.

You can basically go around every track in 3rd it is so fun for racing ya mates!

There is only one jump really and it is to flat so there is no point really doing it because I just bottomed out haha.

I saw the 50's track and it looks great! The actual track is finished but now they are just putting in jumps. One tabletop is finished and it looks good!

I didn't have any stacks today but I had a few close calls when I was on the really wide sand track while I had it in 4th gear with a wide open throttle lol.

I ran out of fuel near the top of the enduro track but it was ok because I just rolled back down haha.

So yeah it was a really good day but eventhough there aren't any good jumps I would suggest it to anyone!

cheers guys

i like u sidney:), btw nice choice on the goggles man

catcha later

hahaha funny ive wanted 2 head down there 4 awhile know i reckon i might go down there this satday
LOL You try on your MSO!!! You feel like you are gonna make it until you make it 3 quarters up because it's hell soft up there!
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I might head down, deffinately will when the 50 track is finished.
Another Sid. Thread :(

Six words Sid... And they look better as the smileys....


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