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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
i got major probs with second gear on an atomik agb21(Ducar 125cc).All i wanna know is if it is worth pulling the cases apart and trying to fix,or is it just easier to buy a new motor. Im not that mechanically inept but can figure most things out and am willing to try. Motor has only done 10-15 hrs at most(mainly ridden in anger around moto-x track but).

Another possibility is buyin another bike,but dont wanna spend 75% of my riding time fixing the damn thing. Budget is only $1000 but have most upgrades already on the,bars etc....There has been a few second-hand moto-verts avail recently $800-$1500 but am sceptical bout secondhand china's(brand new are **** so....). A mate has a secondhand XR400 going cheap but iv fallen in love with mini's(any bike you can put in the back of a Gaewoo or Pajero is good)

BTW I'm in Cairns so any bike automatically comes with $225 added on for postage.Any comments from any1 (except Pascal125:D) will be appreciated
Hope you all enjoyed a good weekend riding:mad:
if there is nothing else wrong with your bike then try fix your engine and worse case scenario you stuff it up just buy a new engine but if your bike has really bad problems engine and other stuff than buy a new bike.
ATM it seems i fix 1 thing do a few laps then something else breaks. I only paid $450 for the bike+$225 postage so i didnt expect too much. If i fix 2nd gear is 1st or 3rd gunna be next? i heard most ducars have gearbox probs.
if i was you i would buy a pitpro or mso x6r and took all your good mods off your 21 than you would have a good bike.
Thanx Daniel.Mso is high up on my list with Dhz,pitpro and Elstars.
no worried man im sure when you get your new bike it will be sweet with all of your mods:)
so wat did u end up doin to the byk?? did u fix the gearbox or did u buy a new motor..if u pulled it apart wat was rong with it??

HMB Meady254
all i done is take the motor off the bike. I started to split the cases but a mate come round so beers started flowing. Personally i dont think im gunna bother with the gearbox. $400 for 140cc motor or $1100 for 140cc bike. I think im gunna go for somefin with a lifan 140. Sorry cant help ya. I have read that others have fixed probs with gearbox. usually gear selector i believe. good luck. please post pics if u do have a crack at it

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