Is this normal

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Victa , SA
Hey guys,
i just got my Atomik Avenger 125 cc and i had a go on it for the first time today. When the bike is in neutral it seems to build revs and when you put it on first in moves by itself (fast enough for me to sit on it and cruze around).
I was wondering if this is normal or the revs might be to high or sumthin. Do these bikes have an idiling screw(BTW it has a Mikuni Carb)???
yeh they do have idle screws, just play around with that because it sounds like your rev's are too high
thanx, ill hav a look tomorrow morning!
Is it in the same spot as the cag bikes (under the Carbie) and does it look the same (small screw with a spring on it)
Hey yeah mine idles fine no prob but in first i can let the clutch out and it cruises round slowly i have no prob with this my friend does not know how to use the clutch very well and it gets him moving along pretty easier haha
Yay, i fiddled around with the idiling screw...well at least i think it was and now it works fine. Before i didnt even need to use the clutch to take of in first. Now it works fine tho. Thanx! :)

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