jailing motor?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2007
Reaction score
Teh Hood,SOUTHSIDE,Brisbane
hey everyone.

i need to know whether a jailing motor is anygood.
i think i remember hearing there the best out haha.

so tell me. are they any good and does someone havea page on the specs of the motor (eg. compression, oil capacity)

thakns alot.
there tuff motors but are quite underpowered due to the valves being so small
i ran the jialing for a while but couldntnkeep up with me mates on there lifan powered bikes
They're almost exactly the same as lifan but considered better, I think the one ducar had was just old, dont know.

I dont think theres any real advantage between lifan and jailing really, my friend had one and he managed to break it just as easily as my lifan.
Jialing engines are supposedly the best on the market but now if you want a real high powerful 125cc engine. get the daytona japan 125cc engine. its in the new motovert 08. pushes out 12.5 hp. pretty strong engine as well. but if you dont have the money for it get a jialing or lifan as they are pretty much the same and a lot cheaper.my motovert has a jialing and goes real hard.
IF Jialing WAS the best they'd be outselling the rest ......... but they aren't ...... End of story ........
my jailing is pretty good but again
under powered but still fast enough with the right gearing
the reliability is very good
i can only speak for one instance on behalf of the lifan motors and that one instance isn't that good but it was a 125 and i am led to believe the new 140s are a bit better
as for the day china motors from what i'm told there stroke is to short and the engine gets way to hot and sieze's but again thats only word of mouth

imo jailing is the lesser of all evils

good luck
my jailing is pretty good but again
under powered but still fast enough with the right gearing
the reliability is very good
i can only speak for one instance on behalf of the lifan motors and that one instance isn't that good but it was a 125 and i am led to believe the new 140s are a bit better
as for the day china motors from what i'm told there stroke is to short and the engine gets way to hot and sieze's but again thats only word of mouth

imo jailing is the lesser of all evils

good luck

What evils ??????? The yanks reckon Lifan 140's are really good and reliable ........

Ogm 140cc Monster Engine - Planet Minis Forum
What evils ??????? The yanks reckon Lifan 140's are really good and reliable ........

Ogm 140cc Monster Engine - Planet Minis Forum

yeah man i said that
but there 125 engines are crap and those zon-somthing china crap are just that and i'm just not a fan of the daychina
even the one in the motovert but then i'm not a fan of the motovert pro anyway
you might as well get a pitpro
IF Jialing WAS the best they'd be outselling the rest ......... but they aren't ...... End of story ........

they dont out sell lifans cos the cost more.

as for power compared to an 125 lifan the jaling would flog it and i have even seen an stock jaling out performe and 140 lifan
my near stock 125 jailing is not far short of the lifan 140
so i'm happy with that
when i put a cam in it it should got a little better down low

whats you take on the daytona engine corey ( even though yours has had alot of work done) do you have a heat issue
i read somwhere that they are only getting 10 race hours out of an engine
i dont run an daytona 125 but an mate of mine dose his done 14hours hard so far and it havnt missed an beat and no heat issuses at all.

but saying that any motor will over heat it if dont have the right cooling
even if its an $200 china or $10000 jap
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Lets just ask some questions. Which parts of a current jailing engine do you think/know to be superior to current Lifan? Or even the other way round?
well first thing u do get both of them pull them apart and it easy to tell the differencers,
first wat motor i compare it to?? an 125 lifan with n 1 2 3 4 gear patten and also compare the performance ?
lets just say the two most current engines from each factory
ok i will compare it to an 125lifan N 1 2 3 4 gear shift

the case strengh, the bearings use, the shift drum (fork legs are weaker)
the g box have more slip and more likely to find fake N more offten

better balance crank, same oil pump, better intake and exuhast port nicer cam

still more jst cant think of them all i ask my dad tomoro for u

but not to put down the lifans they an grate motor just that the jaling is better motor but that y they sell for more.
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