Thanks guys, I can't wait to ride it aye haha Im off to Perth on Friday to see my specialist and if he gives me the all clear to start doing more physical exercises, then I'll be running and cycling my ass off so I can get back to riding hahah for the WA people my goal is to race Tumblegum
Once the seat cover and a few other things are put on and cleaned up I'll take a photo with a proper camera and post it up.
Finally got time to put the last pieces together to try and start this thing for the first time in 6 months.
We spent about 3 hours trying. It had good spark, pulled the carby apart twice and it was fine, the reed valve was good, the engine was creating suction. So the only thing I could think of is that the fuel isn't reaching the top of the cylinder somewhere inside the engine.
I can put together and pull apart an engine and know how everything works, I'm just new to diagnosing issues hahah
So any help or suggestions would be good, because it's got us stumped haha
I had the camera on me so I thought I'd take a decent snap of it too hope to have and action shot soon...
Have you tried some start ya bastard/aerostart/ether to diagnose if it is fuel, if it starts with ether than you have a fuel prob, if it doesnt start with ether than there must be another prob. When using ether you must hold the throttle flat when kicking.
We checked everything and decided the only possible reason it wasnt running was the carby, so we pulled it off and gave it to the bike shop to give it a proper clean with the pressure or whatever it was cleaner haha. Sure enough we chucked it back in and it fired straight up.
Six months after breaking both legs and my back, i decided i was ready to go for a ride. Definitely not up to speed yet as I really shouldnt be riding just yet, but i just had to get my 'fix' of riding again so I'm not thinking about it all the time hahah Now that the 125's done its about time i finished off my 110.
Couple of action shots Feels so good to be back riding